
W.O.D. 8.4.11

Men's final WOD of the 2011 CF Games - Rich Froning - The Champ!


For time:

20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats

Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute happens during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees.

(compare to 10.14.10)

Community Notes:
Reminder tonight is Open gym from 5PM-7PM. FREE for all CFKoP Members.

"Being scared can keep a man from getting killed, and often makes a better fighter out of him."
-Louis L'Amour


  1. I'm going for 100 DU's at open gym. Who else wants in?

  2. Dear Friends,

    Because I am a sucker for a "I have more friends on the interwebs than you do" contest, if you might all take a moment and vote Paper Rock Scissors (my business) for Best Invitations for the myPHL hot list.


    It would be more than appreciated!!!

  3. I woke up for this WOD this morning really wanting to do it realizing every muscle in my body is sore ... so I'm sad.. but I will be there tonight to hopefully figure out this kipping phenomenon...

  4. 7am'erz

    Kristin T 13:43
    Jay E 12:50

    Cline 21:58 (75/65dropped weight)
    Mike P 13:53 (75)
    Nick 19:58 (65)
    Manny 22:00 (53,15#OHS, 2burpees)
    Dianne 16:05 (33)

    Whew what a burner, way to get spicy early in the day.

  5. Peterson's for the pork recipe, its in here http://www.crossfitkop.com/downloads/Second%20Annual%20Paleo%20Party%20Cookbook.pdf
    There are also some other good paleo/whole 30 recipes in there too. Awesome work on the Whole 30 you guys are doing!

  6. I want to do this air force wod tonight, if anyone wants to join

  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44013462/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/


  8. Megs, I totally agree that eating healthy can cost more money and if you eat Paleo, it can be even a few bucks more. To be brief- like all shopping though, I do think there are ways to save money on fresh produce and protein so you can eat healthy without breaking the bank or shopping at whole paycheck.

  9. You do spend more on quality food but you will have a better quality of life, more energy and productivity. Or you can spend more on medical procedures, medications and reduced quality of life down the line.

  10. Shoeless,

    I am planning to do the Air Force WOD tonight. What time were you planning to do the WOD? I should be at the box by 5:45.

    I was also thinking about doing a Coach Tim X-Fit Endurance WOD, but that might not happen after the OHS and Front squats in the Air Force WOD. Anyone else interested in a X-Fit Endurance WOD?


  11. The Noon Results

    Mike V 6:56

    D.C. (some squat depth, some shoulder mobility, etc..)
    Olan 17:50
    Ross 22:50 (95,65) D.C
    Diego 16:44 (45,15OHS)

    Oh- even spicier than the morning class.

  12. And to Megs, when you're eating Paleo, you're probably not eating out as much so you're saving money there too!

  13. Awesome Howard, we can shoot for around 6!

  14. I didn't get my 100 DU's. Added 4 to my PR (79 now). Next time I'm gonna get it!
