
W.O.D. 8.29.11

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating (5R/5L)
15 Pull-ups

(compare to 9.8.10)

Mobility Monday:
IT band tightness. We'll work on hips and knees to alleviate IT band tightness.
Meet Jeff at 5:30 & 6:30 PM.

"Endure, and preserve yourself for better things."

Shawn 6rnds, :19
Will 8
Vinny 6
Jen S. 7

Sam B 7, :27 (Rx+Parallettes, Rx-Rightleg pistols)
Tony 11
Keith B. 6
JZ 5
Vincent Vincent 6

Scaled of some sorts:
Tamas 6, :23 (mats,bands)
Paul F 5 (mats,bands boxes)
Nina 4, 1:00
Kristin T 6, 1:29
Victor 7 (band,mat)
Christine T 6, :32
Kara 7, :38
Rhonda 7, 1:21 (mats,box)
Stasie 4, 1:10,
Megs 7, 1:32,
Danielle 5, 1:04
Jess C 6,1:20
Borden 4, 1:09
Conn 5, :30
Jerry 5, :40
Jess S 4, :34
Randy 5
Mahin 4
Golden 4, :56
Zack 5
Akeen 3
Travis 6
Arin 4, 1:29
Becky 6, 2:37
Alison 6
Brian R :22
Brynsie ?
Seth ?
Dorothy 6
Brad 7
Joe C. 5
Rob Ph 7
Patti 6
Joy 5
Olan 4
Kyle 6
Elyse 6
Mike P. 6
Jackie 5
Diego 6
Schell ?
Kate 8
Tidmore 8
Kevin N. 5
Dan B. 7
Flounder 5
Shoeless 4
Ben S. 4
Steph V. 5
Erika 7
Sandy 5
Dancer 5
Liz 5


  1. How do you scale the handstand pushups? Shoulder press?

  2. Results; Cash Out of Max Hand stand hold against the wall after good recovery of wod. Time is seconds number in results. Shout Out to Rhonda with a 1:21 hold !

    Shawn 6rnds, :19

    Sam B 7, :27 (Rx+Parallettes, Rx-Rightleg pistols)

    Scaled of some sorts:
    Tamas 6, :23 (mats,bands)
    Paul F 5 (mats,bands boxes)
    Nina 4, 1:00
    Kristin T 6, 1:29
    Victor 7 (band,mat)
    Christine T 6, :32
    Kara 7, :38
    Rhonda 7, 1:21 (mats,box)

  3. Jon- there are couple scales you can use, most popular and easily effective is still on the wall, but lower yourself down to a abmat or three just enough so that you can push back up into the full locked out starting point. Otherwise, using a box for your knees and with your butt high up in the air and hands close to the base of box, simulate the same motion of being upside down.

    The scales will be demo'd at the start of class just as always.

  4. Hey all,

    Is the bridge over Dekalb approaching the box open? Just wondering so I'm not late tonight!



  5. Oh boy!!!! Handstand pushups, pistols and pullups??????????? I can't wait.

  6. Tim, not to nitpick but there were no bands on pullups for me... Mats yes... Mary is tough!

  7. All, All the Bridges Are Open & Moving, Please Plan As You Were.

    @Tamas, I'm Sorry, You Are Right. Your Kipping Pullups Were Actually Beautifully Executed, Nice Work.

  8. AMRAP in 20min
    200m run
    5 burpees
    10 pushups
    20 DU
    6 rounds
    ended with 3 1 min hand stand holds

  9. 630 Results

    Tony 11

    Scales of sorts-

    Keep in mind, you should keep track of your WODS in a journal to track improvements!

    Stasie 4, 1:10,
    Megs 7, 1:32,
    Danielle 5, 1:04
    Jess C 6,1:20
    Borden 4, 1:09
    Conn 5, :30
    Jerry 5, :40
    Jess S 4, :34
    Randy 5
    Mahin 4
    Golden 4, :56
    Zack 5
    Akeen 3
    Travis 6
    Arin 4, 1:29
    Becky 6, 2:37
    Alison 6
    Brian R :22

  10. Seth and Brynsie, your scores got cut off from the picture...can you post them so I can put them in FitView? Thanks

  11. Jason I was 5 rounds (mat/plate)
