
W.O.D. 8.14.11




by Kevin B


Your score is total weight accumulated in each of the 7 lifts. You must accomplish the 10, 20 & 30 rep sets - "touch & go" with out letting go of the bar. Choose your weights wisely!

"If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything."
-Win Borden

Sandy 6640#
Krista 6322#
Chrissy 7190#
Mike S. 8390#
Cindy 5940#


  1. Even my eyelids are sore from yesterday!
    Congratulations to the new king & queen and their court. You guys inspire me. And congrats to everyone else for having the guts to compete. You amaze me too. That was really hard but we all made it through together.

    Thanks to aim and Jason for such a great event. And also to the judges and spectators for giving so much encouragement.

    That was really hard, but totally worth it.

  2. Aimee, Jason, and the CrossFit KOP coaches/judges,

    Thanks for organizing and hosting yesterday's event. You did a great job programming the WODs and all the heats went off on time without a hitch. A good time was had by everyone in attendance.

    Congrats to the new King and Queen, Mike and Laura and all of the other competitors that participated in the 2nd annual King and Queen of Prussia tournament.

  3. Yesterday was such a blast. I'm in a ton of pain today, but it was all worth it. We have such a great community at cfkop, and I just want to thank everyone for that - athletes, judges, coaches. You are all spectacular! Thanks Aimee and Jason for all the work you've done. I'm thrilled we were able to make it to the king and queen this year, but we'll definitely miss being at festivus - both such great events!

    Congratulations Laura and Mike! You are both insane (in a good way) and totally deserve those crowns. Way to go!

  4. ditto the above - yesterday KICKED ASS . . . . . my daughter is looking forward to the next CrossFit Kids, and I can't wait for K&Q 2012.

  5. Just wanted to give a shout out to Coach Jeff! Thanks to a mobility stretch he showed us this morning, I PR'ed my one rep max deadlift...which has been stuck at the same weight for five months. I also PR'ed the overall workout as well. You rock!!!!!!! Thanks for always being there to give us the gentle push to do better! ;]

  6. Yesterday was awesome. I know it was a lot of work to put that together, so special thanks to Aimee and Jason. I thought the programming was so well done to accommodate everyone. It was a long day of judging for everyone participating - I remember from last year when I did it - thanks to everyone who donated their time.
    Looking forward to the pictures!

  7. 9AM class results:

    Sandy 6640#
    Krista 6322#
    Chrissy 7190#
    Mike S. 8390#

    10AM class:

    Cindy 5940#

    Great job everyone, way to push through, especially on the 30-rep set! Welcome to Chrissy who visited us from Crossfit Norwalk, nice work today!
