
W.O.D. 8.13.11

The Second Annual King and Queen of Prussia
-Who will be crowned??

WOD 1: "Storm the Banks"
Row 750M
75 Kettlebell Swings(55#/35#)
Row 500M
50 Kettlebell Swings(55#/35#)
Row 250
25 Kettlebell Swings(55#/35#)

WOD 2: "Load the Catapult"
200m Run
5000/3000lbs shoulder to overhead anyhow
Lord's weight options (65/95/135#)
Lady's weight options (35/65/95#)
200m Run

WOD 3: "Defend the Throne"
50 Deadlifts (135#/95#)
50 Burpees over the bar
50 Sit-ups (unanchored butterfly)
50 Air Squats
50 Single Unders
50 Jumping Pull-ups

Community Notes:
The big day has finally arrived and in less than 24 hours we will have a new King & Queen; registration will start at 9:00AM, standards at 9:30AM and the first workout will begin at 10:00AM sharp. Click here for the heats. We will provide celebratory food and a "stink & drink" following the events about 2:00PM.

We will not be holding regular classes today. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Healthy Principles, Kicking the Sugar by Laura Pappas

“Royalty consists not in vain pomp, but in great virtues”
-Agesilaus quotes (Spartan King, 444 BC-360 BC)

Click here for the final results.


  1. Aw man, I'm really drinking the CF kool-aid. Am bummed I'm gonna miss this.

    Good luck everyone and remember that rats caused the plague was caused by rats & fleas, not bad humors.

  2. jen.curran@verizon.netAugust 13, 2011 at 4:35 AM

    Have fun everyone! Sorry to be missing this!!!! Love all the wods! ~ Grans

  3. We miss you too grans.

  4. When will times be up? Some of the surfs are interested in seeing how they did compared to our new royalty.

  5. . . . . just got off the phone with my six year old . . . she apparently had more fun than I did this weekend . . . . all she's talked about for the past few days is going back to the Box to "play on the monkey bars and do cartwheels with the nice blonde lady" - that's you, Aimee ;-) Crossfit Kids can't come soon enough.
