
Cow Share

We are having a grass fed cow from Philly Cow Share delivered to CFKoP on August 10th. There are still a few shares open if anyone would like to get in on the delivery; Contact Jess directly at jessica@phillycowshare.com for more information or to reserve your share.


  1. Hey guys,

    Lindsey and I are interested in this, but there's no way that we can fit an 8th in our freezer. If there's anyone who would like to split an 8th with us, let us know, and we can get in contact with Jess!

  2. Nevermind. Lindsey thinks that we have enough room in our freezer for the whole 1/8th since we've been doing whole30. We'll be getting our own 1/8th. Ignore my previous message! This is what I get for posting before talking to the boss lady.

  3. How can you eat me...look at my cute little face?? mooooooo

  4. Sorry, but your face is pretty far down the list of your parts I'm interesting in putting in my face.
