
W.O.D. 7.3.11

Three rounds for time of:
12 Front squats (95#/135#)
12 Burpee pull-ups

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."
- Colette


  1. 9AM results (bjp = burpee jumping pull-ups) + 1 min max sit-up cash-out x 2:

    Sheng-Ching 12:18 (68#, bjp) 28/27
    Mike S. 12:01 (75) 22/21
    Mel 8:24 (80#) 37/36
    Tamas 8:56 (95) 22/23

    10AM results:

    Tom S 9:38 Rx 30/27
    Shawn 6:28 Rx 37/36
    Liz 10:58 (53#) 33/34
    Tim H 9:58 (95, bjp) 23/23
    Drw N 11:00 (65#, bjp) 22/20
    Alex 8:19 (45#) 27/30
    Mark 8:09 (95#) 25/22
    Patrick 4:32 Rx 32/32
    Kara 6:51 (35#, bjp) 29/28
    Sandy 9:48 (45#,b jp) 25/29
    Nicole Mc 8:36 (35#, bjp) 26/28
    Justin K 6:08 (95#) 34/34
    Jess C 8:45 (73#, bjp) 36/35
    Cindy 6:37 (35#, jp) 29/32

    Great job everyone! Welcome to Patrick and Kara visiting from CrossFit 847 in ChicagoLand, awesome to have you join us this morning!

  2. Fun class this morning Jeff! Tamas- it was nice meeting you! We'll have to car-pool in the bad winter weather! And happy birthday to Mrs. Peterbutt, Lindsey! Hope you have a great day.

  3. Aimee and Jeff and the 10am crew:
    Thank you for letting us join your class. It was awesome to meet all of you and get a WOD in. Keep up all the hardwork. If you are ever in Chicago/Evanston area look us up. You are welcome to drop in for a WOD.
