
W.O.D. 7.12.11

FGB insanity!

Fight Gone Bad

Consists of 3 rounds x 5 exercises executed one minute intervals. There is a 1 minute rest interval between rounds.

The stations are:

1. Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10/8 ft target.
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75/55 pounds
3. Box Jump: 21"
4. Push-press: 75/55 pounds
5. Row: calories

(compare to 5.19.10)
(compare to 9.24.10)

Check Out:
The History of the CrossFit Games

“When you reach the top, keep climbing.”

Matt D, Shawns friend: 130 (2 rounds)
Nicole S 207 Rx
Chris T 185 Rx (21in box)
Mike S 201 (14#WB/45#PP/55# SDHP)
Mike P 230 Rx
Howard 197 DC
Megs 244 Rx
Doreen 201 Rx
Kristin T 291 Rx
Kim G 167 Rx
Shawn 294 Rx
Nina 286 Rx
Ciera 185 rx
Mel 242 rx
Keith 226 rx
Kevin B 259 rx
Tom H 214 rx
Victor 215 rx
Jeff 218 rx
Joy 209 (dc wb, 33 pp)
Chris Th 208 rx
Kara 212 rx
Francine 197 (6wb, 15pp, 17 bj, 22sdhp)
Jerry 276 rx
Cate 263 rx
Panos 274 rx
Rob Ph 265 Rx
Patti 245 scale
Kevin 284 Rx
Diego 195 scale
Rachael 227 scale
Mike F 261 Rx
WW ?
Shoeless 208 Rx
Olan 266 Rx
Tim G 200 DC
Mike V 355 Rx
Vinny 303 Rx
Aimee 234 men's weight to 9ft target
Roman 242 Rx
Chris S 247 ?
Karen 223 scale
Kate 287 Rx
Ken 200 scale
Tim H 218 DC
Jen S 288 Rx
John G 220 Rx
Liz 200 Rx
Chucky 228 scale
Danny 369 Rx
JNA 250 scale
Travis 228 DC
Plu 310 Rx
Mark 238 DC
Alex 248 scale
Gina 171 DC
Erika 155 (Pukie!)
Donk 237 DC


  1. Wall-balls . . . . . the bane of my existence . . . . that, and snatches.

  2. Channel 6 just said to avoid strenuos activity, does FGB count as "strenuous activity".

  3. It;s only 17 minutes how "strenuous" can it be ?? Afterwards you will have time to do the elliptical for 30 minutes!

  4. 6AM Sweat Factory:

    Matt D, Shawns friend: 130 (2 rounds)
    Nicole S 207 Rx
    Chris T 185 Rx (21in box)
    Mike S 201 (14#WB/45#PP/55# SDHP)
    Mike P 230 Rx
    Howard 197 DC
    Megs 244 Rx
    Doreen 201 Rx
    Kristin T 291 Rx
    Kim G 167 Rx
    Shawn 294 Rx
    Nina 286

    Great job everyone! Congratulations on some big PRs, and awesome effort on a hot and muggy morning!

  5. Seems to me Megs has it right. Plus once you start your heartrate almost never drops down to the "fat-burning zone." And you're taking a one minute break between rounds. So how bad can it be if you only lose a kilo or so of sweat?

  6. the real question is if shawn wore his mouthguard?

  7. Shawn was showing off for his friend...no mouthguard.

  8. Question - what is the best way to improve your HSPUs? Are there any other moves/techniques to help? My range of motion sucks big time.

  9. No mouth protection for me today. Don't worry---I will bring mouthguard back sometime soon.

  10. Denise

    Often the best answer is to do more HSPU. However, in your case, you need to start using some device to measure. I noticed that you did not have a gauge on how deep you were going (3 ab mats or whatever) so repeatability becomes impossible.

    HSPU need shoulder strength and tricep strength more so than anything else. I would work more on shoulder press and planche pushups.

  11. Denise: I haven't seen your HSPU but one thing a lot of people struggle with is keeping the body locked. To use an extreme example, think about how much harder it would be to push a cooked noodle straight up a wall than an uncooked noodle. obviously, the uncooked noodle slides more easily because it's rigid. it's the same with HSPU.

    when you're upside down, you want to focus as much as you can on locking out your body. when you're standing on your feet, you're not slumped over, and the same is ideally true when you're upside down.

    another mistake people often make is checking to make sure the floor is still there. it is. you can now safely look behind you, to where the wallballs live. that gives you less depth to chase.

    there are lots of good videos out there on locking out your body during handstand holds. i am in a rush and can't dig them out now but also make sure you check gymnastics and yoga sites for tips.

  12. looking at the wall balls is good unless you need to touch your nose.....

    .com is on fire lately

  13. couple notes:
    Kristin T - HUGE PR -kudos! That Zone stuff must really be working :)

    Denise - with a spotter you might also try to use some bands so you can feel what full ROM is...all the other Coaches notes are spot on too!

    Nose to ground HSPU- anyone remember when Doug did these back at the "Trans-axel" box!!! WOWzers!

  14. maybe mainsite is giving some Games previews?

  15. i do believe they are megs. i will guess at least one wod that must be done strict.

    kelly said to expect mu into hspu, ohs pistols, and strict workouts...he said that before this was posted. i think boz may talk in his sleep or something. lol. who knows

  16. I had forgotten about Doug's nose to ground HSPUs - wowzer indeed!

  17. "That" meaning this morning's Fight Gone Bad, not Doug's headplant.

  18. i can touch my nose too...just saying. not 45 times though. :)

  19. anyone want to lay money on swimming showing up this year?

  20. Ciera 185 rx
    Mel 242 rx
    Keith 226 rx
    Kevin B 259 rx
    Tom H 214 rx
    Victor 215 rx
    Jeff 218 rx
    Joy 209 (dc wb, 33 pp)
    Chris Th 208 rx
    Kara 212 rx
    Francine 197 (6wb, 15pp, 17 bj, 22sdhp)
    Jerry 276 rx
    Cate 263 rx
    Panos 274 rx

  21. Yes Nina, you may have an Rx:

    Nina 286 Rx

    Great job this morning, nice range of motion on all moves, my range of motion on the keyboard was inadvertently limited. I will give myself a DC on the posting.
