
W.O.D. 6.23.11

"Super Spicy"

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Kettlebell Swings (70#/97#)
10 Box jumps at (24"/30")

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
-Harvey Fierstein

Tom S 10:06 (97#, Russian swings)
Steve Z 8:23 (35#kb, 13"box)
Ali Z 7:30 (26.5,17")
Steph V 11:04 (70#, 21")
Kristin T 6:01 (55,24")
Tamas 8:38 (55, 25")
Laura 5:30 (53,24")
Nina 8:45 (53,24")
Nick C 9:01 (45.25"
JB 6:50 (55,25")
Grans 5:12 (55#kb/24"box)
Donkey 7:32 (70/25)russian
Jen S 6:27 (70/24)russian
Kate 5:36 (55/25)
Rhonda 6:10 (45/13)
Melissa 8:23(26/17)
Keith 7:27 (53/30)
Victor 7:41 (45/30)
Kevin Byr 7:22 (70/30)
Danny 6:21 Rx
Jason 10:35 Rx


  1. Tasty. question. if you can swing Russian at the higher number, or american at the lower number, which would you have us do?

  2. by "you can swing" i mean "we"

  3. whichever is harder is my opinion. i would personally do the heavier russian and try to go as high as you can. this thing sucked bad!

  4. Yeah this was a rough one, add in the sweaty hands at 7am...good luck later times..attempted the 70lb and nearly fell on my ass at the bottom of the swing..53 was rough..Awesome job Steph using the 70! Thanks Laura for the advice...def need to work on my kettlebell swings! Muscling things around just does not work haha!

  5. is anyone doing the warrior challenge on July 16th? I'm thinking about signing up and wanted to know if any fellow KOP'ers were going.

    Jen S.

  6. yes, Nina....we will conquer the 70# one day! This WOD is def super spicey and slippery too (so humid today)!

    Way to rock that 70# Steph!!

  7. 7am Super Spice

    D.C. to Rx
    Tom S 10:06 (97#, Russian swings)

    Steve Z 8:23 (35#kb, 13"box)
    Ali Z 7:30 (26.5,17")
    Steph V 11:04 (70#, 21")
    Kristin T 6:01 (55,24")
    Tamas 8:38 (55, 25")
    Laura 5:30 (53,24")
    Nina 8:45 (53,24")
    Nick C 9:01 (45.25"
    JB 6:50 (55,25")

  8. Crap . . . this looked like one of the "funerer" workouts . . . stupid rest day . . . :-(

  9. Check out my blog post on the Crossfit Level 1 Cert http://laurapappasblog.blogspot.com/

  10. Danny you doing this at noon or at 5:00?

  11. High Noon, High KB Swings

    Grans 5:12 (55#kb/24"box)
    Donkey 7:32 (70/25)russian
    Jen S 6:27 (70/24)russian
    Kate 5:36 (55/25)
    Rhonda 6:10 (45/13)
    Melissa 8:23(26/17)
    Keith 7:27 (53/30)
    Victor 7:41 (45/30)
    Kevin Byr 7:22 (45/30)
    Danny 6:21 Rx

  12. 12noon correction

    Kevin B 7:22 (70#,30")

  13. Danny,
    10:35 on the "Silly" WOD. DC on the KB swings. They were higher than Russian swings, but not quite high enough to be American swings. Lets call them "Italian" swings.

  14. Jen S, So far it's Mel, Shoeless, Miranda, Mike V and me for the Wawrrior Challenge. There may be more, i don't know

  15. http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-weight-gain-potatoes-20110623,0,1532678.story

    Woah woah woah. If you eat a lot of potatoes, you'll probably gain weight???!?!??!!
