
W.O.D. 6.22.11

1-1-1-1-1 Turkish Get-up
1-1-1-1-1 Weighted pull-up
1-1-1-1-1 Weighted push-up
*(advanced can attempt weighted ring dip and weighted muscle-up)

Community Notes:
Reminder 5:30PM CF Endurance Class today with Coach Pappas.

Good Luck to Melinda and Grebe who are moving to Texas and Jeff Hi who is moving to Florida! All the best!

Happy Birthday Kim G & Steve Z!

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
-Miyamoto Musashi.

Mike P 55/50/125
Mike S 35/10/45
Melinda 55/ /55
Grebe 45/25 purple/65
Meghann 50/MF/35
Dianne 40/Blue/25
Kim G 45/Red/25(roll)
Laura 50/ /40
Kristin T 55/ /45
Jay E 97/43/200
Becca 25/blue/35 on knee
Joy 20/green/35 on knee
Melissa 25/green/5
Kevin B 70/55/145/50
Tom H 55/26.5/90
Stephanie 20/green/form
Joe D 53/35/70
Rachel 45/mf/50
Victor 45/2/70
Jeff Hand 53/55/115
Vinny 97/120/210
Olan 70/70/145
Josh C 70/76.5/145
Plentus 70/118/125 35#MU
Brian R 70/40/100
Mike T 70/120/210 20#MU
Karen 40/blue/45
Jackie 40/red/45
Nicole S 25/5/45
Jen S 45/30/55
Warnek 97/120/210 25#MU
Mel 40/12.5/55
Ditty 35/MF/55
Bonnie 10/blk/35
Brendan 70/25/70
Patrick 70/100/190
Josh S 65/25/135
Denise 40/mf/45
Sandy 25/blue/form
Nick 55/80/145 FIRST MU !!!
Erika 35/bodyweight/55
KSB 40/MF/45
Jess C 50/red/35
TP 80/80/145


  1. Happy birthday guys.

  2. I just wanted to thank all of the coaches and members for creating such a great community. I am moving to FL and CF KOP will be one of the things I will miss. You can find me at CF Rebels in Clearwater, FL sweating my ass off. Stop by.

    Best of Wishes,
    Jeff Hi

  3. Happy birthday Kim and Steve. All the best to you today!!!!

  4. Wow, so much happening today! Best of luck to Mel and Chris and to Jeff Hi on their moves. So sad to see you leaving but excited for this new chapter in your lives. I will definitely miss you guys!!! And happy birthday to Kim and to Steve. I hope you both have a fantastic day!!

  5. Happy Birthday Kim G and Steve! Bon voyage to Melinduh, Grebe and Jeff Hi, you will be missed! Good luck and safe travels!

  6. Sad to see you guys go, but I know you'll do great.

    Happy birthday Kim and Steve.

    For those wondering what happened in the epic battle between Olan and me, it ended in a tie. As always, Olan went all out in the beginning, and ran out of gas. I caught him around round 9, but didn't have anything left for the sprint at the end. Until next time.....

    @Danny! 19? Seriously? That's amazing!

  7. Happy Birthday Kim G! it is always nice to see you at our early AM WODs!

    Good luck Melinda and Chris! I am definitely planning to visit you in Austin! Keep in touch!

    Good luck Jeff Hi! Hope you find some new adventures in Florida!

  8. I decided to come back, I missed Danny.

  9. Hi NFW, you wouldnt last in my game

  10. Happy birthday Kim and steve. Hope you guys have a great day!


  11. Happy Birthday Kim G and Steve! I did 37 burpees for y'all so that must be the mean for your ages :)

    Melinda - the main site knew it was your last Wod...3 X 5 Deads.

  12. oh yes, Happy Birthday to Steve Z too!

  13. Happy birthday Kim G and SAZ!

    Farewell and good luck with your new adventures Mel, Chris, and Jeff Hi! I'm going to miss you!

    6:00am results (TGU/pull/push)
    Mike P 55/50/125
    Mike S 35/10/45
    Melinda 55/ /55
    Grebe 45/25 purple/65
    Meghann 50/MF/35
    Dianne 40/Blue/25
    Kim G 45/Red/25(roll)
    Laura 50/ /40
    Kristin T 55/ /45
    Jay E 97/43/200

    6:00am cash out results:

    2 min max burpees (in honor of Kim)
    Meghann 26
    Kim G 26
    Laura 37
    Kristin T 32
    Jay E 27

    2 min max DL 115/185 (in honor of Mel)
    Mike P 40
    Mike S 13
    Mel 45
    Dianne 46 @63#

    400m sprint (in honor of Grebe!)
    Grebe - 1:18

  14. noon results: TGU/pull/push/ring

    Becca 25/blue/35 on knee
    Joy 20/green/35 on knee
    Melissa 25/green/5
    Kevin B 70/55/145/50
    Tom H 55/26.5/90
    Stephanie 20/green/form
    Joe D 53/35/70
    Rachel 45/mf/50
    Victor 45/2/70

  15. Happy Birthday Kim and Steve!

  16. Thanks for all the well wishes, guys. KOP is definitely going to be one of the things I will miss the most about PA.

    Jason, you're right - I will miss you picking on me and all of your sarcastic comments about being late to class!

    Laura - now that you had Spealler help you with that deadlift, I am pretty sure you will knock me off that leaderboard soon!

    Nik - good luck with the new gym, I will definitely be back for that grand opening!

    Whenever you think it's too hot here during a wod, think about me in TX suffering through 105 degree workouts!

    Crossfit out in TX will not be the same as it is here, that's one thing I am sure about.

    I will definitely stop in for a wod whenever I'm back in the area.

    Thanks again everyone!

    and Happy Birthday Kim G and Steve Z!

  17. Hey everybody, thank you so much for everything I'm going to miss you all terribly. It's been so great to be invited into this community and with such open arms.

    Didn't think I could ever say I would miss a gym upon moving but I will... We'll be back and def. stop in from time to time and you all know that you're more than welcome to come visit anytime.

    Mel is right next time you bitch about being hot, remember we will be sweating our ass off in triple digit weather.

    I don't want to repeat everything Melinda said, but I feel the same way.

    Nikki- Good Luck with your new gym. I wish you and my lover aka John the best of luck. I can't wait to see it when I get back to the area and we'll be back in a few years with muscle ups and 600 lb deadlifts. So worry little :-)

    Happy Birthday guys, and best of luck to Jeff Hi in Florida.

    Thank you all. I'll miss you.

  18. KIm and Steve, Happy Birthday! Hope that you are both having great days!

  19. Endurance WOD II

    The Ladder interval workout
    rest is portioned 1-2 to the time it takes to do the interval

    Justin :36/1:21/1:59/1:52/1:17/:31
    Danielle :37/1:22/2:00/1:54/1:20/:31
    Tim G :36/1:28/2:21/2:15/1:30/:32
    Kate 37/1:21/2:05/1:59/1:21/:30
    Mel 38/140/232/223/134/33
    Keith H 40/140/232/223/130/32
    Jen S 44/121/204/1:59/121/32
    Rachael 44/131/232/235/133/32
    Kathleen 45/141/240/241/143/34
    Howard 47/121/220/223/134/35
    Megs 41/130/221/227/140/38

  20. Ugh, hate being away I miss everything!
    Happy Birthday Kim and Steve Z.

    Mel and Grebe, really going to miss you guys.
    Jeff good luck in FL!!!

    Hotel wod Tues
    3 rounds of
    100 SU
    10 25# dumbell thrusters then
    AMRAP in 5min
    10 DU
    5 dumbell snatch
    3 rounds
    4 rounds
    800m run
    25 back ext
    25 situps
    10 hspu

  21. 430pm Results

    Jeff Hand 53/55/115
    Vinny 97/120/210
    Olan 70/70/145
    Josh C 70/76.5/145
    Plentus 70/118/125 35#MU
    Brian R 70/40/100
    Mike T 70/120/210 20#MU
    Karen 40/blue/45
    Jackie 40/red/45
    Nicole S 25/5/45
    Jen S 45/30/55
    Warnek 97/120/210 25#MU
    Mel 40/12.5/55

  22. 530 Results

    Ditty 35/MF/55
    Bonnie 10/blk/35
    Brendan 70/25/70
    Patrick 70/100/190
    Josh S 65/25/135
    Denise 40/mf/45
    Sandy 25/blue/form

    630pm Results
    Nick 55/80/145 FIRST MU !!!
    Erika 35/bodyweight/55
    KSB 40/MF/45
    Jess C 50/red/35
    TP 80/80/145

    from Plentus: nice job guys, special shout outs to Bonnie with great weighted push ups, Brendan for coming back from sabbatical, Jess for manhandling that TGU, and Nick for getting his first (two) muscle ups! LEGIT and SICFIT!

  23. Happy Birthday to Kim and Steve! Hope you both had a great day.

    Melinda and Grebe - Good luck in Texas. You are both right, it's gonna be hot down there.

    Jeff Hi - Good luck with the move to Florida.
