
W.O.D. 6.20.11

Congratulations to the CrossFitters who completed their Level 1 this weekend, especially the KoPers - Mel, Laura, Karen, Jeff Hi & "Killa" Jim B! Hats off to all of you! Another stellar weekend in the CrossFit Community expanding our knowledge & friendships!

for time complete
150 WallBalls (14/20#) to a 8ft/10ft target

"Coaches Prep Course: Programming Bias vs. Targeting" with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Happy Birthday Brian R!


"Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up."
-Reverend Jesse Jackson

A big CFKoP welcome to Joy, Becca & Victor (not pictured).
9:30AM Ballers

Tom S 9:18
Kristin T 7:56
Nicole S 12:11
Doreen 11:43
Jay E 8:58
Michael P 16:11
Becca 10:34 (8#)
Joy 11:04 (8#)
Victor 12:12 (14#)
Keith 13:03 Rx
Tom H 20:06 Rx
Chris T. 13:40 14# DC
Rachael 13:11 14# Rx
Rob P. 10:08 RX
Kate 7:13 Rx
Charles 10:46 (14#)
J.P. 14:05 (14#)
Lindsey Peterson 13:25 (10#)
Peterson 11:55 Rx
Jess 13:27 Rx
Erika 10:16 (10#)
Justin 9:57 Rx
Pooch 13:17 (14#)
Danielle H. 8:43 (10#)
Daniela 15:12 (8#)
Sam B. 9:02 Rx
Drew 17:06 (14#)
Joe A 11:48
Ditty 11:03
Denise 9:31
Kate F 13:54
Danny 7:02
Tony 7:34
Melinda 9:22
Greeeebe 12:27
Patrick 14:32
Jon 9:44
Jason 10:40
Brian R 11:29
Rob Ph 11:24
Jackie 12:43
Dorothy 10:18
Megs 11:08
Killa 7:06
Kathleen 7:38
Brynsie 13:58
Josh S 11:30
Nikki 7:42 (9ft)
Roman 12:52
Tobin 9:50
Nicole G 16:32
Mike F 10:17


  1. Karen doesn't want to miss Karen! Might... Cheat... Rest... Day....

  2. Look at those hot ladies with Spealler! Great weekend, great picture, thanks Dad fir taking it.

  3. Don't be jealous everyone! He's as awesome as he looks in the picture with us hot ladies!

  4. Congratulations and well done to all of the new CFKoP Level 1 certified folks! And Mel, strangely enough I'm not jealous of not having my picture taken with a guy without his shirt on...

  5. Way to sneak in that Spealler pic Chloe.....I see ya smilin.

  6. 7am Results
    Way to set the pace and special props for new Michael stepping up and pushing thru using the 20# ball in good rhythm.

    Tom S 9:18
    Kristin T 7:56
    Nicole S 12:11
    Doreen 11:43
    Jay E 8:58
    Michael P 16:11

  7. . . . . gracias for the props and appreciate the support of everyone in class, it was MUCHO fun . . . looking forward to my next date with Karen.

  8. I'm not gonna lie Mel... I'm jealous...

  9. 6:30pm Results

    Shout outs to Drew & Daniela for their first time out with Wall Balls! Also to Charles for setting a new PR!

    Rob P. 10:08 RX
    Kate 7:13 Rx
    Charles 10:46 (14#)
    J.P. 14:05 (14#)
    Lindsey Peterson 13:25 (10#)
    Peterson 11:55 Rx
    Jess 13:27 Rx
    Erika 10:16 (10#)
    Justin 9:57 Rx
    Pooch 13:17 (14#)
    Danielle H. 8:43 (10#)
    Daniela 15:12 (8#)
    Sam B. 9:02 Rx
    Drew 17:06 (14#)

  10. 530 results

    Joe A 11:48
    Ditty 11:03
    Denise 9:31
    Kate F 13:54
    Danny 7:02
    Tony 7:34
    Melinda 9:22
    Greeeebe 12:27
    Patrick 14:32
    Jon 9:44

  11. Dear Olan,
    I can only assume that today was a forfeit from you? My time isn't posted, but I was there and I crushed it.

    Should I write it in my book?

  12. Dorothy- I would consider that a forfeit, musta been scared of all those wall balls...

  13. Congrats all that passed their level 1 cert!

    Hotel Wod:
    5 rounds for time
    200m run
    25 squats
    20 situps
    15 hand release pushups
    5 burpees

  14. Dear Dorothy,

    Wow! You did crush that WOD nice work. I have yet to finish Karen that fast.

    Please put it in your book and enjoy your shallow victory.
    Try again today if you want to face actual competition.
