
W.O.D. 6.19.11

Jeff & Nikki's out of the box "mystery" WOD

Meet the coaches at Frosty Falls in the parking lot near our 200M/400M loops. Jeff and Nikki will put you through the paces. This is a FREE class; friends and relatives are welcome.

10AM class ONLY

CrossFit KoP is hosting a Level 1 Certification all weekend and therefore no classes will be held in the "box". The WOD will be held outdoors at 10AM on both Saturday & Sunday. Unfortunately there will be NO barbell strength and NO Kids class this weekend. Sorry for any inconvenience.

"Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history."
-Ben Sobel


  1. Todays WOD, for teams of 2 or 3:

    1 Lyons loop with sandbag, everyone must carry.
    200 sandbag cleans
    200 sandbag burpees
    1 Lyons loop with sandbag


    Warnek/Shawn/Mike Fab: 33:30 (70 lb sandbag)
    Kim/Lynne/Rhonda 35:00 (150 reps, 30 lb bag)
    Jess S/Alex/Mark: 42:03 (200 burpees, 145 cleans, 30# bag)
    Kristen SB/Rachael/Jess C: 42:06 (30# bag)
    Tom and Liz: 32:24 (125 reps, 30# bag)
    Elyse/Howard/Austin: 38:18 (30# bag)

    Great work all on a tough WOD! Thanks for coming out and sharing a beautiful Sunday morning with us!

  2. One participant paid the WOD a high compliment by saying it was the worst team WOD so far in KOP history. 'Course, he was on the 70lb bag. I likewise found it challenging, but also had some fun -- and I really enjoyed meeting people I don't typically run into on the nooner class schedule. So overall I'd call the Sunday mystery WOD a great success.
