
W.O.D. 5.8.11

Happy Mother's Day to all the CFKoP Mom's!
Bring your mom to class today to try out CFKoP!
(Free class for all the Moms checking out CFKoP for the first time today)

2 Rounds for time of:
25 Box Jumps (21"/25")
25 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
25 Ring Rows
25 Jumping Pull-ups
25 Sit-ups
25 Dumbbell Cleans (25#/45#)

The Start of Running Season by L. Pappas

"When I stopped seeing my mother with the eyes of a child, I saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself.
- Nancy Friday


Sheng-Ching 29:39 (20in/35#/15# DB)
Megs 18:48 (Rx except for 15#)
Kim G 24:20 (20in/35#/15#)
JP 35:50 (24in/35#/25#, -5 cleans at end)
Howard 33:27 (Rx except for 35#)
Sandy 21:55 (17in/15#)
Steph V 23:49 DC
Vincent 18:23 (Rx except for 35#)
Roger 24:16 (24in/45#/30#)
Nicole S. 24:57 (Rx except for 15#)
Ditty 25:53 (Rx except for 15#)
P. Lentus 20:24 Rx
Kate 21:16 DC
Cindy 30:08 (13in/26.5#/10#)
Jeff Hi 12:00 (1 round, ouchie)
Granny 19:33 Rx
Jess C 26:20 (20 in/20#)


  1. Congrats to Lindsey and Chris! And Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! H

  2. 9AM and 10AM Sunday results:

    Sheng-Ching 29:39 (20in/35#/15# DB)
    Megs 18:48 (Rx except for 15#)
    Kim G 24:20 (20in/35#/15#)
    JP 35:50 (24in/35#/25#, -5 cleans at end)
    Howard 33:27 (Rx except for 35#)
    Sandy 21:55 (17in/15#)
    Steph V 23:49 DC
    Vincent 18:23 (Rx except for 35#)
    Roger 24:16 (24in/45#/30#)
    Nicole S. 24:57 (Rx except for 15#)
    Ditty 25:53 (Rx except for 15#)
    P. Lentus 20:24 Rx
    Kate 21:16 DC
    Cindy 30:08 (13in/26.5#/10#)
    Jeff Hi 12:00 (1 round, ouchie)
    Granny 19:33 Rx
    Jess C 26:20 (20 in/20#)

    Great work everyone, a lot of strong effort this morning on a tough chipper!

  3. Please explain "Rx except" to me. lol
