
W.O.D. 5.4.11

KB Swing
KB Snatch R
KB Snatch L

Coaches notes: in the set of 20 you will complete 20 KB Swings then 10 KB Snatch R/10 KB Snatch L, in the set of 18 you will complete 18 KB Swings then 9 KB Snatch R/9 KB snatch L...etc until you hit 2 KB Swings and 1 KB Snatch R/1 KB Snatch L. Select a KB weight according to level and ability.

Kettlebell swings [wmv][mov]
Kettlebell Snatch, Jeff Martone [wmv][mov]

Seafood Medley by L. Pappas.

“If you compare yourself with others, 
you may become vain or bitter, 
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. 
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; 
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.”
– Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

Mike S 18:22 (35/26.5)
Bekah 14:49 (35/18)
Meghann 18:40 (35/18)
Peterson 16:01 (55/35)
Jay E 14:22 (70/55 - no L snatch)
Charles 19:22 (45/35)
Kristin T 15:32 (45/18)
Kim G 18:35 (35/18)
Mel 17:59 35/26.5
Brian R 17:58 55/35
Gabe 18:25
Josh C 17:28 70/35
Howard 17:13 45/26.5
Olan 29:56 70/55
Vinny 23:57 70/55
Raechel 18:24 35/18
Kathleen 35/18
Andrea 12:50
Christena 15:19
Laura F 12:10
Hannah O 13:43
Evin H 14:43
Melina S 11:11 make a wish
Andrew B 17:39 70/35
Steph 19:48 (55/55)
Josette 12:42 (18/10)
Breanna 14:41 (18/18)
Jess S. 12:58 (35/18)
Karin 14:44 (35/18)
Ken 19:40 (35/35)
Kate 16:59 (45/26.5)
Jon 12:52 (55/25)
Tony 19:07 (70/55)
Ditty 13:00 (35/18)
Sharon 14:38 (35/18)
Jen N. 13:17 (26.5/17)
Donkey 11:37 (35/25)
Jen S. 10:45 (35/26.5)
Jess C. 12:41 (35/18)
Maura 9:40 (35/18)
Pooch 11:17 (26.5/17)
Justin K. 16:28 (35/35)
Kurt 14:14 (45/35)
Jason B. 20:38 (70 then 55/55)


  1. 6:00am results
    Mike S 18:22 (35/26.5)
    Bekah 14:49 (35/18)
    Meghann 18:40 (35/18)
    Peterson 16:01 (55/35)
    Jay E 14:22 (70/55 - no L snatch)
    Charles 19:22 (45/35)
    Kristin T 15:32 (45/18)
    Kim G 18:35 (35/18)

    Great job learning a new movement today! For every one of you, the movement looked more fluid (and much less painful!) by the end :) Special props to Charles who had the most graceful looking KB snatches I've seen!

  2. 430pm Results

    Mel 17:59 35/26.5
    Brian R 17:58 55/35
    Gabe 18:25
    Josh C 17:28 70/35
    Howard 17:13 45/26.5
    Olan 29:56 70/55
    Vinny 23:57 70/55
    Raechel 18:24 35/18
    Kathleen 35/18
    Andrea 12:50
    Christena 15:19
    Laura F 12:10
    Hannah O 13:43
    Evin H 14:43
    Melina S 11:11 make a wish
    Andrew B 17:39 70/35

  3. 5:30 and 6:30....swingers and snatchers (ok ok, start the jokes)

    first weight is swing, second is snatch weight

    Steph 19:48 (55/55)
    Josette 12:42 (18/10)
    Breanna 14:41 (18/18)
    Jess S. 12:58 (35/18)
    Karin 14:44 (35/18)
    Ken 19:40 (35/35)
    Kate 16:59 (45/26.5)
    Jon 12:52 (55/25)
    Tony 19:07 (70/55)
    Ditty 13:00 (35/18)
    Sharon 14:38 (35/18)
    Jen N. 13:17 (26.5/17)
    Donkey 11:37 (35/25)
    Jen S. 10:45 (35/26.5)
    Jess C. 12:41 (35/18)
    Maura 9:40 (35/18)
    Pooch 11:17 (26.5/17)
    Justin K. 16:28 (35/35)
    Kurt 14:14 (45/35)
    Jason B. 20:38 (70 then 55/55)

  4. nice job everyone, way to hang in there with that stationary wod. Also, I was happy to comply with your request for a cashout; you gave it your all for that 2x200m. Perhaps it was the burpee incentive...

  5. @P.Lentus: not as happy as we were.
