
W.O.D. 5.28.11

for time complete:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

*You can choose to do this solo or with a partner. You can partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it (10 pounds for ladies).

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

"Navy SEAL honored with warship bearing his name" for Lieutenant Michael Murphy.

The Man Behind Murph by Brett

Community Reminders:
We will be having ONLY a 10AM class on Saturday and Sunday. CrossFit King of Prussia is CLOSED in observance of Memorial Day on Monday.

Happy Birthday Jess S!!!


"Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored."
~Daniel Webster

Armor Vinny: 46:56
Kristin T: 47:56 (MF/knees)
Howard: 58:35 (2 bands/some jump)
.5 Pooch: 29:15
Armor LP: 48:40
Armor Mel and Jeff: 26:29
Jess S: 36:14
Jay E: 62:35
Jessie and Danielle Sig: 38:40
.5 Mike S: 34:06
.5 Tori: 43:31
.5 Elyse: 30:07
Clay: 50:22
.5 Armor Cline: 35:03
Armor P: 41:48


  1. Jess S -
    Happy Birthday! Have a great day and enjoy the long weekend! Hope to see you at the box soon.

  2. Murph! I will get to try you at some point! Good luck to everyone who gets to try him today!

  3. Lt. Michael Murphy - Penn Stater


  4. Happy Happy Birthday Jess! I hope is is a great one!

  5. Happy birthday Jess. Lately I've seen you push yourself to an intensity you haven't seen before. Good on you for that, keep it up. Have a great weekend celebration!

  6. Jess:

    Happy birthday chica. I second what Plentus said. The junk yard dawg is itching to get out and sometimes you let her on the porch....time to let her loose in the yard.

  7. Happy birthday, Jess! hope it's a great one.

  8. Happy Birthday, Jess! Hope you have a great day enjoying the sunshine!

  9. I can honestly say that I am rediculiosly thrilled that Jason finally nailed a muscle up. I am so happy and proud of you Jason. I know you worked ur ass off to nail that. I also want to ass that I have been training down the shore is some stupid meat head gym where most of the members talk for a hlaf hour squat at about 65 degrees and could not define range of motion if they had it written on a piece of paper in front of them. I miss kop so much. I hope everyone is well and I cant wait to see everyone kill it at regionals.

  10. Hey Dom. We miss you too.

  11. Happy Birthday Jess S - glad to WOD with you today!
