
What's New at CrossFit KoP???

The Upper Merion Crew team came out to work on their explosive lifts!


We have Monkey bars!!
...and the flying Pull-up bars are only steps away!
(Thanks Dad)

Donkey & Jerry
(like a Tom and Jerry episode gone bad?)

Specialty Clinic Notes:
Our Muscle Up, Pull Up & Handstand Clinic was a HUGE success!
Congratulations to...
Shoeless who got his first MU!
Ken B and Kristin T who got up into a handstand for the first time & Roman & Kate got their first kipping pull-ups!

Our next FREE clinic will be on 5/26 at 6PM (Rowing, Rope Climbing & Wall Climbing)- see you all there!

Do you update your scores on the board??
If you aren't you should be, part of CrossFit is recording the data, make sure you are doing it on the board or on in your own journals. We have some available at the box or a free log on the side bar of the blog!

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