
W.O.D. 5.1.11



5 reps Turkish Get up, Right Hand (55#/35#)

200m Right Hand Farmer Walk

5 reps Turkish Get up, Left Hand (55#/35#)

200m Right Hand Farmer Walk

Community Notes:
Good Luck to all the athletes running the 2011 Broad Street 10 mile Race today!

I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.
-Jesse Owens

Pooch 250, 9:11 (35#)
Dorothy 200, 8:47 Rx
Lisa C. 110 8:12 (10/35#)
Kim G 205, 8:40 (26.5#)
Steph V. 305, 9:20 (35/55#)
Sandy 135, 8:10 (18/26.5#)
Kristin T. 235, 9:32 Rx
Tim H 295, 7:58 (26.5#)
Jess C. 155, 9:15 (26.5/35#)
Dianne 205, 8:41 (18#)
Jess S. 185, 8:43 (18#)
Jay S. 225 (form), 8:38 (35#)
Jessie 143, 8:18 (18#)
Donkey 255, 7:57 (35#)

1 comment:

  1. Sunday morning results (deadlift, time for turkish getups and farmers walk):

    Pooch 250, 9:11 (35#)
    Dorothy 200, 8:47 Rx
    Lisa C. 110 8:12 (10/35#)
    Kim G 205, 8:40 (26.5#)
    Steph V. 305, 9:20 (35/55#)
    Sandy 135, 8:10 (18/26.5#)
    Kristin T. 235, 9:32 Rx
    Tim H 295, 7:58 (26.5#)
    Jess C. 155, 9:15 (26.5/35#)
    Dianne 205, 8:41 (18#)
    Jess S. 185, 8:43 (18#)
    Jay S. 225 (form), 8:38 (35#)
    Jessie 143, 8:18 (18#)
    Donkey 255, 7:57 (35#)

    Great job on the deadlifts everyone, several PRs today! Also, good job on the turkish get-ups, especially for those who were doing thme for the first time. Remember to keep your eye on the weight!
