
W.O.D. 4.14.11

Mike T.

Olan & Seth

The "Lululemon Girls"

3 Rounds for time
3 Wall Accents (8/6')
3 Rope Climbs (20')
3 Ground to Shoulder Stones (to ability)
400m Run

Exercising for Two by Gretchen Reynolds

Community Notes:
This year I am walking to Support the March of Dimes - "Walk for Babies". I am joining Maura's team Maura's Munchkins. While in the NICU for Chloe's early days the March of Dimes was there for us and now it's time to give back. If would would like to donate or walk with us please let me know or use the link above.
Your donation will go to:
* Research into stress and other factors that may trigger preterm labor.
* Programs to educate pregnant women to recognize the warning signs of preterm labor.
* Tools to help health care providers find better ways to detect women who may be at risk for preterm labor.

The event is on 5/15 @ 9:30AM in Valley Forge.

OPEN Sectionals:
Make sure to sign up for a heat to compete in WOD 4.11 on Saturday at CrossFit KoP. Click here to read more.

Do more than you're supposed to do and you can have or be or do anything you want.
-Bill Sands


Meghann B 17:35, 60#atlas, 13"box, ropescale
Bekah 16:00, 60atlas, 13"box, ropescale
Kim G 16:19, 30atlas, 16", ropescale
Jay E 14:06, 90atlas, ropescale
Olan 27:49, 144 atlas
Seth 22:55, 112 atlas
Karen 19:57, 60 atlas, ropescale
Jim B 28:35, 112 atlas, partial ropescale
Mike T. 25:26, 112 atlas

Lululadies Scale:
Ashley 22:17
Andrea 20:55
Christena 23:51
Margo 21:13
Ayanna 20:30
Danielle 21:07


  1. Read "exercising for 2"...great article! We were all made to move, breathe and by rhythmic! Women are better mothers when we take care of ourselves! Good luck on your walk! I would totally have walked with you if I was not going to be out of town. Will donate though :-)

  2. 0600 Rise and Shine!

    Meghann B 17:35, 60#atlas, 13"box, ropescale
    Bekah 16:00, 60atlas, 13"box, ropescale
    Kim G 16:19, 30atlas, 16", ropescale
    Jay E 14:06, 90atlas, ropescale

    Nice work today, it is warmer than every thought, and Tabata situps were in order for a cash out.

  3. I love that article too! Just imagine how strong our girls' hearts are!

    One time when I was pregnant with Keira, Panos was bragging about my workout to a bunch of parents. One mom, who is also a doctor, totally attacked me and said "you are stealing from your baby when you workout". I would love to show her this article! And I would except I vowed to avoid her for the rest of my life. :-)

    I'd love to join the walk, too.

  4. I did back extensions during the filthy 50 on the GHD (my first time). The pain in my calves, and hamstrings has me taking a rest day yesterday and today, im thankful for not having to do 11.4 tonight, idk if squating would be possible. Had trouble putting on my shoes this am :-(

  5. What's everyone planning to do at Open Gym tonight? I can't decide if I want to do the workout posted today or try out the 11.2 Sectionals WOD....

  6. I was planning on practicing my muscle ups....after i do about 60 burpees and 30 over head squats.

  7. I see what you did there Danny.


  8. I, too, am picking up what Danny just laid down

  9. I put together a fun one from home last night. Since I am fine tuning my running in prep for broad st, I thought I would go 'all arms': 5 shoulder press 95#, 10 pushups, 15 dips, 5 rounds. Give it a try tonight!

  10. i love love LOVE that woman's face as she scales the wall.
