
W.O.D. 4.13.11


500M Row
10 Snatches (65#/95#)
500 M Row
5 Bear Complex (65#/95#)
500 M Row
5 Bear Complex (65#/95#)
500 M Row
10 Snatches (65#/95#)

Why go grassfed?

Community Events:
Reebok CrossFit Games Open on 4.16

A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
-Walter Bagehot


Jay E 14:22 (45)
Bekah 16:53 (45)
Meghann 18:16 (53)
Kim G 19:47 (45)
Tim G 17:28 (Rx)
Nina 15:18 (DC - snatch depth)
Joe D. 17:07 (65)
Rachael 19:40 (45)
Kara 16:54 (35)
Jeff 16:57 (45)
Lance from NC 17:00 (35)
Gabe: 14:53 75#
Jackie:16:13 45#
WW:16:56 75#
Josh S:17:28 75#
Josh C: 13:44 Rx
Tony:15:22 Rx
Mel:20:20 53#
Flounder:19:54 65#
Brian R:15:48 75#
Chris S:17:40 Rx
Peterson:14:55 75#
JB:18:00 45#
Sheng-Ching: 21:03 53#
Shoeless:17:06 RX
Paul:17:28 75#
JP: 20:40 53#
Jess C: 21:47 45#


  1. and i thought todays wod was scary looking..

  2. Nikki- Love the haircut!!!

  3. I loved this WOD :)..Nikki, advice on what to do in my own time to get better at getting low in these squats.I also think I am really unflexible (if thats a word); very glad those thursdays to come will be working on technique thats what I need.When I used to squat heavy I used to get compliments on how good they were...CrossFit kinda slapped them in the face haha!

  4. Nina you did great today! You have so much strength and we'll fine tune that technique. You should be working hip mobility and wall squats. Your shoulders are flexible enough that it's not holding you back, but your hips are definitely hurting your depth and form. Overall great job with your first time squat snatching!

    PS - I'm cracking up at your "CrossFit kinda slapped them in the face" comment :)

  5. Aims-or any of you lovely crossfitkopers :) What is the bear complex?

  6. 6:00am results
    Jay E 14:22 (45)
    Bekah 16:53 (45)
    Meghann 18:16 (53)
    Kim G 19:47 (45)
    Tim G 17:28 (Rx)
    Nina 15:18 (DC - snatch depth)

    Great work today! I especially loved your bear complexes; you all worked hard to hit full squat depth and full overhead extension every time. Thanks for bringing your focus and intensity today!!

  7. Trish - it's a bunch of movements merged into one. Without putting the bar down, do a power clean, front squat, push press, (place the bar on your back), back squat, push press (from behind the head), back to the floor.

    If you are able to move the weight pretty easily you can further merge the front squat & push-press into a thruster, and the back squat & push press into a behind-the-head thruster.

  8. Ohhhk, I've done that before just didn't remember it being called that. Thanks Nikki!

  9. 4:30 Class Results
    Gabe: 14:53 75#
    Jackie:16:13 45#
    WW:16:56 75#
    Josh S:17:28 75#
    Josh C: 13:44 Rx

  10. 5:30 Class Results
    Tony:15:22 Rx
    Mel:20:20 53#
    Flounder:19:54 65#
    Brian R:15:48 75
    Chris S:17:40 Rx

  11. 6:30 Class Results
    Peterson:14:55 75#
    JB:18:00 45#
    Sheng-Ching: 21:03 53#
    Shoeless:17:06 RX
    Paul:17:28 75#
    JP: 20:40 533
    Jess C: 21:47 453

  12. Please note in my typical mindless way, I rowed 550m for the first 3 rows. Didn't click in my head until the 4th row that I was doing too much. Oh well!

  13. Mel, you did an extra 150m!

    Also, 5:30 and 6:30 did full squat snatches (or at least power into OHS), I would like to point out. I have the feeling 6am did as well.

  14. Nooners were on the full squat bus too!
