
W.O.D. 3.5.11

Sectional Season is here...KoP is ready!

Buy in:
Snatch Balance, 15 reps


Cash Out:
2 Reps on the Minute for 5 Minutes at 85% of you 1 RM

"Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is that some of us are in training, and some are not."
- Dr. George Sheehan

Dorothy 87 pr
Steph V 110 pr
Lindsey 35 form
Melanie 83 pr
Roman 115
Tom S. 185 pr
Sheng-Ching 65
Kim G. 60 PR
Kathleen 50
Mike S 50
Dianne 45
Todd 75 form
JB 55
Tony 170 pr
Jon 65
Rob P 135
Seth 140
Eric 100 pr
Prem 75 pr
Brie 48 pr
Jess S 48 pr
Killer B 90 pr
Jennifer S. form
Jeff Hi 135 pr
Ben 85
Kristen SB 70 pr
Sarah J 65 pr
Karen 80 pr

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