
W.O.D. 3.28.11

Danny modeling our newest CFKoP T-Shirt, get yours today!

"Killa B"

135#/95# Snatch, 30 reps for time

DB Snatch
20 R/20 L
Don't forget about the dumbbells. Barbells are so much fun we often forget about the dumbbell. Dumbbells offer their own inherent challenges, a little less load of course but none the less a great exercise. Instability in more planes than a barbell, for example, as well as the ability to work only one side. This is also a real plus if an athlete has an injured shoulder or arm. Besides, single dumbbell work is just plain fun. The dumbbell snatch is no exception.

(compare to 8.17.10)

Mobility Monday-Going Overhead:
Today at 5:30 & 6:30PM we'll cover ways to increase range of motion when going overhead. The goal will be to work the shoulders and ribs to increase range of motion, strengthen the overhead position when lifting, and prevent injury. Bring questions or concerns if you have them!

A Note from Sam D:
I just wanted you to know that as of March 18th I am a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps! All of the work that I did at KOP definitley helped me make it through OCS in regards to physical fitness and mental toughness. So, I just wanted to drop you a quick line to thank you! I hope all is well, and if I get home over the next 6 months (I am rolling right into the Basic School) I will definitely stop by to work out, which should be interesting cause I am not nearly in as good shape as I was when I left (OCS saps the strength right out of you). All the best, Sam

Community Notes:
Click here to check out a local Rowing Workshop.

"A man's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail."
John Foster Dulles

Kara: 3:33 (53)
Chris: 3:10 (53)
Steve: 3:06 (65)
Pete: 3:50 (105)
Steph: 5:34 (Rx)
Nikki: 6:59 (Rx full squat)
Shoeless: 3:55 (115)
Gabe: 5:55 (95)
Kevin: 6:01 (Rx)
Rob Ph: 5:27 (Rx)
Karen: 4:26 (55)
Kathleen: 3:24 (45)
Jeff: 4:38 (95)
Josh S: 4:22 (45)
JZ: 7:52 (95)
Nina: 3:48 (75)
Killer B: 7:30 (80 full squat)
Jay E: 2:37 (Rx)
Olan: 5:16 (115)
Brian R: 5:54 (115)
Jackie: 4:02 (55)
Christine: 3:40 (45)
Sharon: 6:34 (35)
Pat P: 7:28 (115)
LP: 2:48 (65)
JB: 3:31 (65)
Nicole S: 4:18 (65)
Chuck: 5:17 (65)
Amy: 4:07 (35)
Josh: 2:48 (95)
Mel: 3:11 (60)
Denise: 2:38 (45)
Flounder: 3:24 (65)
Liz: 3:48 (53)
Ditty: 2:53 (55)
KSB: 4:28 (55)
Melinda: 3:19 (65)
Eric: 3:12 (95)
Roman: 4:15 (95)
im C Rx 515
Charles 75 3:31
Kristin T 65 3:16
Tony Rx 4:24
Samantha form(35) 4:03
Jen N 35 2:56
Rob Pl Rx 5:50
Jon 65 2:28
Miranda 85 Ouchie-boo-boo
Chris S Rx 3:49


  1. Congratulations Sam and best wishes! We will miss you at Crossfit KOP!

  2. Snatches, you made my day. Isabel RX was on my goal list for 2011. gonna be great to check that on off.

    A note on the rowing clinic...
    The guy running it is the bro-in-law of one of the girls who attends the day program I manage. He is a really cool guy, very passionate about rowing and a big supporter of crossfitting. He just started using the upper merion boat house for training (right past our 800m mark) I suggested that he put together a clinic of some sorts...thought it would be great to learn from specialist. I am planning on signing up for the 11am session.

  3. Congrats Sam!! A 'leader of Marines' is a great responsibility that you have accepted and an awesome accomplishment. You should be very proud.... but remain humble. The six months at The Basic School is going to get long. Hang in there and do not let it beat you down. Continue to be a sponge and absorb as much as you can....it will make a difference when you hit the fleet. Be safe bro and put your Marines first. Semper Fi...

  4. 930 results:

    Kara (53) 3:33
    Chris (53) 3:10
    Steve (65) 3:06
    Pete (105) 3:50

    nice work everyone! especially on the dumbbell cleans!

  5. i meant snatches, obviously!!! :-)

  6. Congratulations Sam, good luck!

  7. 630 pm

    Jim C Rx 515
    Charles 75 3:31
    Kristin T 65 3:16
    Tony Rx 4:24
    Samantha form(35) 4:03
    Jen N 35 2:56
    Rob Pl Rx 5:50
    Jon 65 2:28
    Miranda 85 Ouchie-boo-boo
    Chris S Rx 3:49

  8. Aimee and Jason - thank you for generously ordering the Crossfit KoP shirts for the sectionals participants. I got mine tonight, and am excited to rock it!

  9. Yes, thank you! My new tank fits great. - Kris Clever

  10. LOL, nice P :) Can't wait to see those pictures

    Thanks for the shirts - I'll wear mine for judging at Generation this weekend!

    (Let me know what time Generation needs the judges to show up...)
