
W.O.D. 3.24.11

12:00 Wall-ballers

Bekah and Karen- "over the target?"

Killer B - on the Sectional WOD #1

Danny-powered by Coconut Cream Pie Lara Bars & Yuengling

Split Jerk

your choice...


for time:
150 Wallballs


"the Rob O. special"
5 Rounds for time of:
1 Rope Climb (legless)
2 Back Squats (315#/205#)
3 Ground to shoulder Stones (145#/90#)

Community Notes:
We will be hosting OPEN Sectionals on Saturday, 4/16 starting at 9AM. If you would like to volunteer please post to comments or sign up at the box. We will need registration help, judges, score keepers, etc...Thank you in advance.


“There are no failures - just experiences and your reactions to them.”
-Tom Krause

Tom: 9:30 (DC depth) Karen
Melinda: 9:51 (Rx) Karen
Tim G: 11:27 (DC depth) Karen
Kim G: 12:17 (DC butt ball) Karen
Kara 8:16 (10#) Karen
Olan 10:10 Rx Karen
Bekah 8:53 (14#) Karen
Seth 9:27 Rx Karen
Karen 8:06 (10#) Karen
Steph V. 9:43 Rx Karen
Jay E: 10:26 (Rope hangs) Rob O

Tom: 205
Melinda: 140
Tim G: ?
Kim G: PR?
Jay E: 255 rack jerk
Kara 95 (pr)
Olan 155 (pr)
Bekah 95 (pr)
Seth 155
Karen form
Steph V. 135


  1. Volunteering- I'm in

  2. Steph- thought you might be stepping up early to the "Rob O special"...

  3. volunteering for sectionals. NOT volunteering for the rob o special. that is a beastly WOD. i can't wait to hear who survives it!

  4. I'll be the shlub who's late to the party doing the WOD on Saturday. It would totally kick ass if I strung a round of the double unders. Those snatches are going to suck ass.

  5. I am in for volunteering....

    Ed Vincent

  6. Jason - my split was 90# (pr)

  7. So I assume the class is going to be the sectional WOD on saturday? If we're not competing can they still come and perform the sectional wod?

  8. Classes are as normal this Saturday 3/26, 9 am/10am & 11 am barbell strength. On 4/16, absolutely, you could come do the sectional WOD.

  9. I'll volunteer for the 16th of April.

  10. Would anybody mind certifying my first WOD sometime on Saturday? I assumed that that was when our open sectionals was.

  11. Aimee- Im a good little crossfitter heading the words of our leader, "addressing your [weaknesses] will make a difference for you in ways you'll never predict before the experiement" although wall balls aren't exactly a huge weakness...doing 150 WB to depth as fast as I can is probaly addressing my weakness more than heavy back squats and stones. that being said...I can't wait to get my hands on the new farmers carry bars! :-)

  12. Who is this "Ed Vincent" lol

    Chucky!!! You need to join the team first!

  13. I registered. How do I join the team?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. yeah who's ed vincent...is he related to me? we have the same last name.

  16. I know a Vincent Vincent, but no Ed Vincent.

    To the nooners:
    Great job Steph getting that butt to the ball and below parallel each time!

    Congrats to Kara & Bekah, both setting PR's on the Split Jerk...

    and of course to Seth with the prettiest wallBALLS of all!!!

  17. Games Mens leader board has some one in first place with 628 reps, which is 2 power snatches shy of 14 complete rounds. Is that even humanly possible?

  18. that is not possible. froning does not stop and cant get 10.

    clearly a mistype.

  19. @ Jason and Aimee- Ed Vincent is the one and only expressionist, in your box, who usually lift heavy stuff while screaming in a horrible accent. lol!

    @ Stephanie- Ed is the 5'5" handsome African/ Americo-Liberian man that you met and married years ago!

  20. I'll hang out and volunteer after the wod, unless i end up not doing it, then I will be there all day to help out!

    P.S. Aim & Jason - thanks for letting me re-do the sectionals wod tonight. Donkey- thanks for counting for me

  21. Cindy and I are in for judging, looking forward to it!

  22. Aimee and I wanted to let everyone know how proud of you we are. It takes a lot of balls to lay yourself out there for the entire world to see. We do not care if you got one DU tonight, we are proud that you are on our team! Feel the intensity and most importantly, have fun! Keep up the good work everyone. Awesome efforts!

  23. I can help with whatever that day - just let me know.

    I am ready to go on a boat race too!
