
W.O.D. 3.17.11

Strength of the Irish:
Shoulder Press

"Shamrock Shake Up"
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Teams of 3 complete the following in Relay fashion...
DB Push Press 25/40
Tire Sled Pull 45/90

Your score is the total number of DB Push Press and Burpees, the tire sled is the time element in the middle.

The History of the CrossFit Games by Reebok - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov - Download Only]

Are you sensitive to gluten? by Laura Pappas

If a man who cannot count finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky?
-Stanislaw J. Lec

Kim: 53
Nina: 93
Tom S: 180
Kate 87
Steve K 115
Olan 155
Chris T. 70
Dianne 80
Denise 65
Bekah 65
Kara 65

Team 0600: 182 reps
Team 1200: 321 reps *
Team 1200 #2: 274 reps *

*1200 teams did KBS, DB Push Press & Burpees in teams of 4


Chris T.


  1. Question about Saturday...when we sign up on Del Vals site does that put us in a heat or will we sign up when we arrive at 9am?

  2. I was hoping to do the Open Sectional WOD on Thursday.

  3. When you arrive at Del Val on Saturday you will be put in a heat. Heats will be co-ed depending on arrival time.

    Kristen - did you sign up for open sectionals?

  4. Aimee - yes, I signed up. I think I did it correctly. I did not sign up for the competion part of it, but Jason and Donkey's posts made me realize I should sign up because I love CrossFit.

  5. Amen KSB...you are a member of the team as I just approved you. I also just approved Kevin.

    We are now up to 26 members of CF KoP which I think is GREAT! The more the merrier so show your CF pride and join our team.

    This is the equivalent to the playoffs for your sport and you get to participate for 10 bucks. Join the over 20k others around the globe that are going to have fun doing what they love and see where they stack up!

  6. I will be doing the first sectionals wod on saturday at Crossfit Hardcore in Boca Raton - I will keep you posted.

  7. @Jen good luck. I wonder how the different climate will affect you since you probably aren't acclimated to the warmth yet. I hope it's not humid cause this is a taste of blood in the throat kind of workout.
