
Sectional Update

Congratulations to all the 2011 Sectional Competitors!

WOD #1 was an AMRAP in 10 Minutes of 30 Double Unders and 15 Power Snatches (55#/75#) half of our competitors completed the WOD on Thursday (in house) and the other half of us completed it at CrossFit Delaware Valley on Saturday. This year the sectional process is a 6 event competition. The next event will be announced on 3/29...originally this was slated to be announced on 3/22 but due to this post from CFHQ there will be a delay. CrossFit KoP will not be hosting the sectional on 3/26. We will provide more details when we finalize a date.

To keep up with all the results from the CFKoP athletes and the competition world wide use this link or find it on the side bar of the blog.

1 comment:

  1. It’s not too late!!! We wanted to let you know that the CrossFit Games Open Sectionals have been extended by one week. This is good news for you as it means you can still join the team. CrossFit King of Prussia currently has 30 team members! This is an outstanding level of participation but there is no reason we cannot have more. I think our goal, as a gym, should be at least 50! Some of you may be hesitant to join but you should not be at all. EVERYONE is welcome to join. Here are some fantastic reasons…

    1) By competing in a competition like this, you will truly experience what intensity is during a workout (ask Karen!)
    2) You can proudly say that you are a member of the current 52nd ranked team in the WORLD
    3) You can find out where you stand compared to other people in the world…and this does not even account for all of those that were too scared to put their hat in the ring
    4) You never know if we will use your score for a workout
    5) Something to look forward to every week when a group of us do a specific workout that over 28,000 others are doing around the world…team building….team pride
    6) A sense of accomplishment in doing something that not everyone can do
    7) Even if you scale, you can keep track of your scores

    So far, here are the team members….
    Aimee, Jason, Nikki, Tim P, Plentus, Jeff, Cate, Laura, Jay E, Danny, Vinny, Jay E, Karen, John W, Kit, Mike V, Donkey, Steph V, Mike F, Kristen SB, Sam, Jen S, Olan, Shoeless, Kevin, Megs, Melinda, Miranda, Jerry and Dom.

    If you have questions, just let me know. It only costs $10.00 to be a part of the team and ALL of you should want to do it!
