
The Adventures of T & P

Spring is approaching and so are the Adventures of T & P.

Let coaches Timmy and Plentus take your CrossFit training to a new level. March 12th & 13th we will be hosting a CrossFit L1 Certification and therefore no classes will be held at the box...but you will meet T & P at Frosty Falls at 10:00AM on both days for the Adventure WOD. Mark your calendars, these are not to be missed! Please park at Frosty Falls.

Click here & here & here to see some of the past Adventure WOD's! Oh, and click here to see the WOD down by the river - the one that started it all!

“The bold adventurer succeeds the best.”


  1. Any ideas for open gym tonight?

  2. Melanie - Do you have any preference for skills/lifts you want to include, or length of the wod? I'm hoping to make up yesterday's wod if i can get there in time

  3. Crap, I will not be able to attend these great adventures. I recommend it to everyone; it's a blast. P90xFit and popping the prowler's cherry were both awesome!

    Are you allowed to bring guests along like in the past (just looking forward to any other cert days that will require more outdoor adventures). I know I have a few friends who are interested but would feel more comfortable going with me instead of just showing up for a baseline.

  4. I was planning on wearing my shape ups...then getting a SOLID two rounds of 6 minutes with the shake weight (double of what is prescribed but I am feeling good today). THEN depending on how my shoulders, arms & chest feel after that vigorous work out...I may break out the Body Bow. Tonight is going to be tough....

  5. @ Mel- I will be focusing on the "upper body" movements tonight since my lower body has taken a beating - between the patella femoral thing going on in my knee and the fall down the stairs yesterday I've got some injured flippers!

    @ Peterson- Absolutely, new friends are welcome to the Adventure WOD's. The next Adventure WOD's after the weekend of 3/12 & 3/13 will be on 4/9 & 4/10.

  6. Danny, you want to add the bender ball in there? Sadly, I have one (head hanging in shame)

  7. I was inspired by Maura's WOD this morning at DelVal. They did Elizabeth but she did push-ups instead of ring dips. Since power cleans and push-ups are both skills I like to work on, I may do that and practice a few other skills afterward. I feel like I need to get my burn on.

  8. BTW, good video on the main site today with Coach talking about how important the 40ish mom's are for CrossFit.

    http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_Glassman_Matriarch.wmv (there's some cursing in it)

    I have to say that all you mom's are inspirations to me. I know I shouldn't be whining when all I have to go home to are two cats (and a Lindsey), and you're in there every day, kicking ass and have to go home and deal with kids.... without 1 complaint!

    Keep up the good work!

  9. The nooners have programmed a "Penance" workout for Aimee tonight.

    500m row

    Then 5 rounds of
    10 unbroken pullups
    20 GHD situps

    End with 500m row

    @6am'ers: Thanks for the note of "encouragement". We love you even though you taunt us.

  10. Nice programming, Dorothy! Glad you are feeling better :-)

  11. Man, I can't believe we are going to be out of town for the first T & P adventures for the spring :-(. I love those!!!

    Although...my bachelorette party is going to be April 9th, so maybe I'll come with my bridesmaids in tow. ;-) They've all already told me they will come to philly that weekend.

  12. Dorothy - Rob Ph and I completed the "Penance" workout at Open Gym.

    Rob Ph 14:46 (blk/partial GHD)
    Aimee 15:06

  13. I went old school tonight with my WOD at open gym if anyone wants to give this a shot...

    Pull Ups / Push Ups / Sit Ups

    follow this sequence up to
    then back down to 1/3/5..
    100 Pullups/300 pushup/500 situps..
    And it was soooo much fun... hahaha

  14. Jerry - that sounds horrible, I'm just sayin.

  15. Jerry, glad you finaly finished!!! i was worried you might get locked in for the night ;-)
