
W.O.D. 2.9.11

10 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (95/135)
15 Push-ups

Deadlift-Pushup WOD (Brendan) [wmv][mov] » May 27 07

Community Reminder:
Time to turn up the heat- The Valentines Day Massacre WOD will occur this Sunday Feb 13th - starting at 9:30AM. We will only run ONE class this day. From start to finish, plan for an hour and a half for this class. Remember, you can bring your friend, sweetheart or "enemy" FREE of charge- this is a partner WOD. If you don't bring a partner, we will happily assign you one or you can petition on the blog for someone. Click here to see the WoD from 2010 or from 2.14.2009 or from 6.24.09. We will scale to level and ability for any newcomers.

365 Marathons in 365 Days
by Chris Plentus
Belgian Man Runs 365 Marathons
by Daniel Tucker

"As long as a person doesn't admit he's defeated, he is not defeated- he's just a little behind and isn't through fighting."
-Darrell Royal

Jay 17:47 Rx
Joe 17:00 Rx
Seth 26:51
Sharon 23:25
Rob Ph 18:51
Gabe 16:27
Mimi 16:50
Vinny 11:36
Dominic 9:23
Tyler 11:26
Brian R 19:45
Mike F 18:40
WW 18:50
Shoeless 21:53
Plentus 8:45 (Axle bar)
TP 9:15 axle bar
Jim B. 26:44
Eric 13:45 1st class!
Laura 13:51
Granny 15:45
Roger 22:09
Tim G. 21:18
Todd 12:50
Shawn 15:08
Sam B. 11:28
Danny 11:52

Donkey 17:24 (push-ups)

Jennifer 15:58 (75#, rolling PU)
Melinda 18:38 DC (PU ROM)
Prem 23:29 (135, rolling PU)
Bekah 18:20 DC (rolling PU)
Mike S 25:45 (95#, 17" box)
Kimberly 11:52 (95#, push-ups)
Tim H 26:28 (135#, push-ups)
Jess C 20:12 (75#, push-ups)
Steve K 22:15 (8 rounds, 95#, push-ups)
Dianne 25:47 (75#, push-ups)
Jackie 21:25 95#, KneePU
Sarah J 21:49 63# KPU
Karen 23:38 95/KPU
Sara B 14:33 95/KPU
Dorothy 19:06 snake-ish
Denise 24:09 21" boxes
Steph V. 21:40 green band
Flounder 28:09 DC
Patti 26:09
Karin 27:12 25" boxes
Jen N. 27:16
Lindsey 21:21 knees
Bob 14:04 tuck jump sub for deads
Maura 24:26 73#
Liz 12:59 85# pu form
Charles 38:06 115#


  1. Brendan Gilliam is the man. A true CF original, watched his videos for a month before even trying CF

  2. I just wanted to say the sprints we did this mornings were the best warm up. We should put those in a wod.

  3. Jen S. I hope you are coming to do this workout today. I am interested to see how much those pushups you love so much are paying off.

  4. haha.. Wendy Dorothy....you mean LoveHATE ;) I would love to come....but today is my rest day! :)

    I'll be doing day 2 of week 4 tomorrow....getting close to 30 unbroken pushups :)

  5. 6:00am results
    Melinda 18:38 DC (PU ROM)
    Jay 17:47 Rx
    Joe 17:00 Rx
    Jennifer 15:58 (75#, rolling PU)
    Prem 23:29 (135, rolling PU)
    Bekah 18:20 DC (rolling PU)
    Mike S 25:45 (95#, 17" box PU)

    Great job everyone! That was alot of push-ups to get through, but you really kept up the intensity today!

    Joe A - glad you enjoyed the sprints! We'll see what we can do to incorporate more of those into the wods :)

    Kristin T - we missed you this morning! Hope you're having fun overseas!

  6. soooooo....Who wants to answer the question, "what is your greatest strength in CF?" gotta balance the neg with the pos!!

    I believe my greatest strength is...my mental game. I think I am able to drop into my body and give everyounce of what is available to me, especially in competition atmosphere. I can perservere through suck well (lots of life practice I suppose) I thrive on fear and intensity. Next in line is my physical strength...its good to be good at something. :-)

    So what are you the best at?

  7. Nice Steph.

    Mine are deadlifts, box jumps, and running. There's very few other movements that I look forward to when I see them in a WOD. Note: I don't look forward to running; I just don't dread it as much as something like pushups.

  8. Karen - it's shorthand for "rolling push-ups." If you dont know what that is, I'll do my best to explain it...

    An Rx push-up is when you keep your whole body (core and legs) locked tight, and your body moves from a plank position to the floor and back to the plank while staying in a straight line (shoulders-->hips-->knees-->feet).

    When you "roll" on a pushup, your body doesn't hold this tight line. Instead, as you push your chest away from the floor, your hips and/or knees trail behind (they stay on the floor). Once your arms are straight, you bring your hips and knees back into line with your shoulders and feet. So you end in a plank position, but your body sort of "rolled" to that position instead of staying in a rigid line.

    Does that make sense?

    It's not technically an Rx push-up, but it's often used as a progression to get to Rx push-ups. It's more demanding than doing push-ups on your knees because you started and ended in the full plank position.

    As a side note - for what it's worth - after seeing Steph's success with doing push-ups on a box, my preference as a coach is have people use a box to scale their push-ups rather than roll them. I think working on a box teaches people what it feels like to keep the core and legs tight the entire time. And once you get into the habit of "rolling," even when you can do Rx push-ups it's easy to resort back to rolling when you get tired mid-WOD.

  9. Nooners for 2/9/11:


    Seth 26:51
    Sharon 23:25


    Donkey 17:24 (push-ups)


    Kimberly 11:52 (95#, push-ups)
    Tim H 26:28 (135#, push-ups)
    Jess C 20:12 (75#, push-ups)
    Steve K 22:15 (8 rounds, 95#, push-ups)
    Dianne 25:47 (75#, push-ups)

    Nice work everyone, way to stick with it!

  10. P.S. pushups!! Big fan of full range of motion!! If you use boxes to scale full range of motion pushups i would recommend using two boxes if its possible or a bench...to be able to spread your hands apart like you would if you were doing pushups on the ground. I never really used it much (because i started getting RX)but i am like using a band to scale full range of motion pushups. Band on the bar like for pullups but it goes around your chest (obviously using the one of the smallest two bands) however i think this scale is for the person that ALMOST has RX pushups or fails short mid wod...otherwise inclined is the way to go!! Read this: http://www.crossfitwatertown.com/2010/04/07/get-off-your-knees/

  11. Steph, I loved that article considering that I am still doing push-ups from my knees. Since I still do not have an Rx pushup, what would be the prefered scaled motion for tonight's WOD?

  12. denise - get two 21" boxes and put one hand on each. lower yourself until your chest hits the boxes, then push back up.

  13. 430pm DeadsprintPusher's

    Rob Ph 18:51
    Gabe 16:27
    Mimi 16:50
    Vinny 11:36
    Dominic 9:23
    Tyler 11:26
    Brian R 19:45
    Mike F 18:40
    WW 18:50
    Shoeless 21:53
    Plentus 8:45 (Axle bar)

    Scaled on either weight or Push Ups, - great techniques and form improvement I saw out there.

    Jackie 21:25 95#, KneePU
    Sarah J 21:49 63# KPU
    Karen 23:38 95/KPU
    Sara B 14:33 95/KPU
    Dorothy 19:06 snake-ish

  14. 5:30 and 6:30 "This Ain't a Dance Club"

    TP 9:15 axle bar
    Jim B. 26:44
    Eric 13:45 1st class!
    Laura 13:51
    Granny 15:45
    Roger 22:09
    Tim G. 21:18
    Todd 12:50
    Shawn 15:08
    Sam B. 11:28
    Danny 11:52

    Scaled - either weight or push up form
    Denise 24:09 21" boxes
    Steph V. 21:40 green band
    Flounder 28:09 DC
    Patti 26:09
    Karin 27:12 25" boxes
    Jen N. 27:16
    Lindsey 21:21 knees
    Bob 14:04 tuck jump sub for deads
    Maura 24:26 73#
    Liz 12:59 85# pu form
    Charles 38:06 115#

    wow, what a fight by everyone, esp. Charles on those last 2 push ups. I know he likes the box, but we finally convinced him to finish the workout. Kudos to those who tried new push up form and kept that plank form; it is something you should be doing everytime you are in the gym (before class, after class, etc)
    Oh, and Tim and I will be at the club doing a six step into pop and lock if anyone is interested.

  15. Thanks to everyone for helping me get through that!

  16. Way to finish Charles! You improved today.

  17. @ Charles.. told you I love ya man.. I don't do extra push ups for just anyone.. Nice way to stick with it and finish!

  18. jen.curran@verizon.netFebruary 9, 2011 at 9:46 PM

    so just to be sure... an rx push up is chest 2 deck (chest touches it) with no rolling/snaking/arching of the back?

  19. I was 5 minutes late last night for class....and I will make up my burpees today at 5pm class.

  20. chest to deck is actually harder than that. i would say the true rx is that you control the negative. i know people gaming it practially fall and their thighs touch the ground and they can push up from that position which is a LOT easier. in a push up, your nipple, toes, and hands should be touching the ground and NOTHING else. if that is lost, it is scaled in my humble opinion.

    some gyms count 90 degrees as good enough. i don't. and you know if your chest touches. you know if you are violating rom on this.
