
W.O.D. 2.27.11

30 Dead Hang Pull-ups

Assistance Work:
Reverse Hyper
Belt Squats

Community Reminder:
Today at 12:00PM we are offering the semi-private class to all you who finished the Primal Challenge with an 80% or above! Congratulations again. If you can't make this session there will also be another one offered on Thursday 3/3 at 6:00PM.

Thursday 3/3 will also be the first Thursday of the month which means OPEN GYM! All members and all WOD's welcome! See you then!

"Courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway."
-Robert Anthony

1 comment:

  1. 9am and 10am

    no results, sometimes you just need a day to walk around globo gym style and do some work at each station. good work everyone.
