
W.O.D. 2.24.11

"Can You Finish?"

100 Thrusters (95/65)
100 Box Jumps (25/21)
100 Pull-ups
100 SDLHP (95/65)
100 Sprints between two cones 8 mats apart

Time Cap of 30 minutes....if you do not finish, your score is max reps that you completed. You can go in any order and break things up any way you see fit.

Click here to read about the CrossFit KoP experience with the Philly Cow Share.

"Staying in the learning when its a struggle is sometimes a challenge. Most of us would much rather know how or look good, or somehow be well beyond the novice stage which can be so awkward, even embarrassing. When you know you are in the midst of learning and you are able to accept the process for the sake of moving forward, that's when learning happens all of the strategies for comfort and control end up delaying or sabotaging the learning"
-from Co-active Coaching fundementals

Jay E: 286 Rx
Kristin T: 337 (55G)
Kate: 400 (55B)
Tom S: 301 Rx
Todd: 345 Rx
Alex 220 (65)
Jerry 400 Rx
Olan 356 Rx
Megs 414 (45)
Danny 415 Rx
Jim B 250 (75P)
Sara B 280 Rx
Kristen SB 324
Sharon 250 (45B)
Kara 365 (35B)
Jennifer S. 412 (45B)
Jason 335 Rx
Aimee 416 Rx
Dom 401 Rx


The box in action!

Kristen SB with some solid Thruster form!!!


  1. This one shocked everyone so beware. I am amped to try it. Many different strategies but all but one person started on the same station. Interesting.

    3 people in class guessed they would finish yet no one got closer than 100 away.

    Good luck to everyone in the nooner as the gauntlet has been thrown...the 6am'ers predict MAYBE one person can finish it.


  2. check this one out. Breast milk ice cream in London. Donors get $24 for...contributing.


  3. @Danny: I would say this is definately possible but it will be hard. Those with easy pullups, box jumps and runs may struggle with the weight and vice versa. All will struggle with lungs.

    @P: Breast milk is AWFUL, no one should eat that ice cream for free.

  4. WOW $24 dollars for 10 oz of Breast milk...haha! Cate we should make a trip and bring home the cash - just kidding!

    Danny - I think you could finish it!

  5. @ Danny, if I calculated right, you need to average one rep per 3.6 seconds. I can't visualize how long 8 mats it, but I'd think running this distance and turning around would take most people more than 3.6 sec, so the other exercises would have to be done faster. So to finish it, you'd have to keep it moving forward without much rest. Good luck!

  6. um, yea, def didn't finish....I keep thinking about it though....my strategy was way off....should have started faster at the beginning and focused on my strengths. My brain was a little foggy at 6 am and didn't "stratergize" (as jason would say) appropriately! Maybe I will try it again one day! I did get 100 BJ's though!!!

    Danny - I think you could finish!

  7. "Breast Milk is AWFUL"
    I am not a fan of this quote. A lot of grown men would disagree with this. :-)
    "I did get a 100 BJs though"
    I am a fan of this quote.
    A lot of grown men would wish they could agree with this.

  8. Key is not pacing. If you pace, you fail.

  9. LOL Steph. that made me giggle.

  10. I DEFINITELY need to look into the Philly Cow Share. It'll give me an excuse to buy http://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/stuffed-hamburger-press/?pkey=coutdoor-new (Hi everyone. I'm new)

  11. For all the new cow owners:
    I made this and it was awesome. The flavors are spot on :)


  12. @ Jason- you are right, if you pace you fail. I was the opposite of what you described...I can manage the weight but I am not efficient in pull ups. I got 100 on everything except pull ups, which was 25...totalling 425. I would agree with what Aimee said after our wod of doing 10 sets of 10...

  13. and also....the running is tricky. That can really kill your time in this because you may slow your pace down and try to "rest".

  14. "Breassssst milk.... You make my daaaayyyy..."

    JP, stop stalking me please.

  15. Milk was a bad choice!

  16. @JP: I'm glad that you made it. So now we can talk about coding AND crossfit all the time. ;)

  17. There's only 1 Cline I know who's profile picture would feature him wearing a marching band uniform.

  18. @ JP- Welcome!!!

    @ Tim G. - If the mother is...

    @ all- this WOD was a tough one to conquer, I did it with Dom (401) & Jason (335) & myself (416). I thought I had a good strategy, 10 rounds of 10, but at Round 7 I realized the run was taking way too long for the points received. I then knocked off 30 Pullups, 30 BJ's and 6 SDLHPs in the remaining 5 minutes. If I was to repeat it I would hit rounds of 10 on all exercises except the run and save that for the end...just my two cents. Glad this one is over!

  19. LOL, i wouldn't have made it past 100 thrusters. kudos to killing it, people.
