
Pink shoes give me POWER!

Sarah S swinging away in the heat!

You surely can't say my head isn't through!

Jim C STOMPS on Daddy Land!

W.O.D 1.7.11

10 Rounds for time of:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (13"/17")
10 Kettlebell Swings (55#/35#)

A Helpful post for the "Novice":
CrossFit Shopping List

You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself.
-Nelson Mandela

Joe A 28:39 (25"box)
P 19:07 (25"/70#)
Tim P 18:37 (25"/70#)
Laura 14:29 (17")
Nikki 16:13 (17"/45#)
Mike F 26:36 (70#)
Danny 19:12 (25")

Todd 21:18
Grans 13:50
Ellie 23:47
Kristin T. 24:55
Brian R. 20:39
Megs 16:27
Jen S. 17:24
Seth 14:48
Kevin 18:19
Rob Ph 21:24
Jim C 23:32
Jason 20:34
Sara 19:00
Ryan 16:48
Beth 27:07
Steph 25:54
Melinda 20:40
Sam B 16:03
Chris B 24:01
Rachael 23:31 first Rx!
Ironman 18:22
Peterson 19:06
Miranda 20:40
Shoeless 25:53 (plus strict pushups!)
Kristen SB 22:06
Ditty 21:18

Jay E 21:55
Kim G 29:40
Sheng Ching 27:14

Meghann 30:36 (26.5#)
Mike S 36:02 (35/26.5#, 17/13")
Steve K ? 5 Rds (13"/35#)
Sarah S. 15:52 (18#/13")
Dianne 20:40 (18#/13")
Sharon 23:40 (6rds 26#/13")
JZ 20:57 (45#)
Sarah J 18:27 (26#BJ)
Tim H 21:00 (53# 6 Rds)
JB 19:04 (35#)
Aimee 13:30 (5 ring dips/10 53#KBS)
Borden 20:48 (17"/45)
Sandy 21:05 (13"/26.5)
Karin 24:38 (13"/25)
Katie 21:05 (13"/26.5)
Howard 24:10 (17"/45)
Jen N 26:08 (13"/26.5)
CC 12:18 (5 rounds)
Vivian 25:52 (13"/26.5)
Cline 27:55 (17"/35)


  1. Excited now for this WOD...I am sure in Round 4, I will be like WTF was I thinking.

  2. If anyone is interested Donkey, Charles, Darlene and I are going roller skating at The Palace on Saturday night. It's from 10:30pm - 12:30am. Feel free to ride with me.. 610-476-9787

  3. 6AM Snowy Jumpers:


    Todd 21:18
    Grans 13:50
    Ellie 23:47
    Kristin T. 24:55


    Jay E 21:55
    Kim G 29:40


    Meghann 30:36 (26.5#)
    Mike S 36:02 (35/26.5#, 17/13")

    Great effort by all on a cold, snowy morning, way to fight through!

  4. What would be close in this workout? No chest to deck? No full extension of hip? If so, kudos to you guys for keeping it real!

  5. Jay and Kim self-DC'ed on the boxjump burpees on the basis of moving the feet before the jump/gliding step instead of jump. Very impressive display of keeping it real!

  6. Not sure who else said it but I am also having a lot of weird dreams! Could be stress related but who knows!

  7. Mel, you are not alone. Mine have been totally strange and even stranger - I have remembered them. Maybe we already dream this weird but now we just remember?

  8. Maybe it isn't that the dreams are weird. Maybe it's just that you are sleeping better? I still only get like 5-6 hours of sleep a night, but I sleep SO much better. To help with that, I take natural calm at night. It ROCKS!

  9. Check over here on the weird dreams. I thought it was just me. Last night I dreampt I was a gansta.

  10. Dorothy- that wasn't a dream!! LOL

  11. Not sure if anyone is insterested or not. I am zoning while eliminating sugars. Anyway, I get confused by the block system and use the raw gram numbers instead. Here's how I figure out my targets:
    First decide how many cals per day
    1200 - 1800 cals is my goal
    Then calculate the number of grams that translates to for carbs, protein, and fat.
    Low end:
    1200 cals * 40% /(4 cals per g carb)= 120 g carbs
    1200 cals *30% / (4 cals per g prot)= 90 g protein
    1200 cals * 30% / (9 cals per g fat)= 40 g protein

    Then I do the same for the high end and this give me my ranges.

    Here's a spreadsheet I use. The main food list is on the 1st tab. I copy and paste from this first tab to the weekly tabs. Each day is calculated individually.


    Jason, I am thinking that your over active scientific mind might like this method better. Blocks are for block heads.

    I appoligize if I've over complicated this for you. Just thought I'd share rather than keeping my secret to beating Olan private.

  12. you might not be "a gangsta" dorthory...but I would describe you as "gangsta" fo sho...however all those numbers and reference to a spreadsheet might challange your gangsta status.

  13. I also believe that OHS'ing hay bails is not "gangsta."

    Although the pigs sure look tasty.

  14. I dreamed that the Eagles won the Super Bowl -- is that weird? :-)

  15. Sleep - NA
    Dreams - not asleep long enough to dream.

  16. hahaha aimee.....15 months "not" going unbroken in sleep...that was the wod of my life. feel for you girl!!!! eventually you will sleep throught the night...however you may never "sleep in" again.

  17. Dorothy -1200 calories not enough for you! That is all

  18. Oh yeah, 5:30 and 6:30 results!

    Sara 19:00 Rx
    Borden 20:48 (17"/45)
    Sandy 21:05 (13"/26.5)
    Ryan 16:48 Rx
    Karin 24:38 (13"/25)
    Beth 27:07 Rx (ouchie but finished anyway!)
    Steph 25:54 Rx
    Melinda 20:40 Rx
    Katie 21:05 (13"/26.5)
    Sam B 16:03 Rx
    Howard 24:10 (17"/45)
    Jen N 26:08 (13"/26.5)
    CC 12:18 (5 rounds)
    Ironman 18:22 Rx
    Peterson 19:06 Rx
    Miranda 20:40 Rx
    Shoeless 25:53 Rx (plus strict pushups!)
    Sheng Ching 27:14 DC
    Vivian 25:52 (13"/26.5)
    Kristen SB 22:06 Rx
    Ditty 21:18 Rx
    Cline 27:55 (17"/35)
    Chris B 24:01 Rx
    Rachael 23:31 Rx - first one!
