
Updated spreadsheet links for the Primal Challenge:

Primal Challenge Spreadsheet XLS
Primal Challenge Spreadsheet Google Docs


  1. what's different about these? doesn't seem like anything on first glance (i have the other one saved in google docs already, do i need to switch?)?

  2. The difference is how the Weekly Workout is entered/calculated.

    Old way: 1 for every day of exercise or rest.

    New way: "R" for every Rest day, "W" for every Workout day.

    Jason pointed out that in the old spreadsheet, 7 days of rest would give you a point for the week since workout and rest days were not treated any differently in the formula.

  3. Just know that there are other excel geeks out there makes me smile. thanks for these, Cline.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Week 1 (6 days) and Week 5 (4 days) are incomplete weeks.

    How will the points be handled for those weeks?

    For example, can I count this Monday's "Cindy" workout towards my weekly workout total, even though it was technically before the challenge started?

    I hope so. I'm struggling to put on and take off my coat because of that trollop.

  6. I am hoping that unsweetened applesauce gets the nod of approval (water, apples, and something acid to maintain color). Tried to find without it, but I am sure Trader Joe's has something better, but that's what Bottom Dollar had.


    My new snack is 1/2 cup of that with cinnamon and some pecans, crushed up. Microwave it for 25 seconds and it makes me believe i am eating apple pie.


  7. I dig it CC - remember to everyone these should be changes for the most part you that you can sustain about 80% of when you are done the challenge.

  8. Yes and traders does have two kinds of applesauce that is just apples, get your next jar there. You could also try poaching fruit, or a baked apple or pear maybe?

  9. Laura,
    I may try that, as I am going to go to Produce Junction tomorrow or Saturday and I'm sure I will have a ridic amount of apples.

  10. I have an AWESOME applesauce recipe....takes about 10 min and only requires a microwave....let me know if you want it.
