
W.O.D. 1.2.11

Split Jerk

10 DB Split Jerk Right
10 DB Split Jerk Left
10 DB Hang Split Clean Right
10 DB Hang Split Clean Left
*adjust weight according to level and ability

Dumbell Split Lifts [wmv][mov]

1.2 Class times:
10AM and 11:00 CFKids

Our regular schedule resumes on 1.3.11

Kitchen Detox
from Chris Plentus

January Discount for new members:
We are offering a 2 for 1 "buddy" fundamentals class in January 2011. Our Fundamentals is $150 for one athlete, if you find a buddy for January 2011 and you both come through Fundamentals at CFKoP, the cost will be $75 each athlete.


Life is an echo; what you send out comes back.
-Chinese Proverb

Shoeless 175
Rob 185
Jason 225
Todd 135
Tim H 185
Steph 135
Vincent 155
Kristen SB 88
Dianne 98
Jess C. 85
Mike S. 70
Laura 115
Tim P 195
P. 205
Ditty 105
Jess S. 75
Ironman 155


  1. My 2011 goals...a little late, but here we go


    425# sumo deadlift (current: 375#)
    Back squat 300# by 6/30 and 350# (or whatever 2xBW is by then) by 12/31 (current 255#)
    String together over 100 pushups in one set by 4/1 (current: 43)
    Run a sub-20 minute 5K (23 flat in 11/10)


    Master muscle up form and string together at least 3 in one set
    Master full range-of-motion handstand push-ups and string together at least 21 in one set (Dianne)
    Complete a 3-minute long L-sit with hands on the ground (current: 15 seconds with hands elevated)
    Master pistol form
    Master kipping pull-ups (may set a number goal later this year, like the 100 pushups)
    Complete at least one muscle up into handstand ring pushup

    Continue to modify diet closer to paleo and be on full paleo diet by 6/30
    Get BW above 185# (current: 172#)
    Get an awesome looking 6-pack

    Consistent practice:
    25 wall squats every day :)
    Reverse hyper extension, work up to half back squat
    Wendler 2x/wk
    Lots of planks, side planks, L-sits, and GHD situps
    Clean and jerk and snatch form practice (this one is time permitting)
    Play more with the slam balls, kegs, atlas stones, and bamboo bar

  2. Here are my goals also:
    -50 Double Unders in a row (Currently 44 max, usually 20-30)
    -225 lb Deadlift (Currently 203)
    -95lb shoulder press (Currently 80)
    -145lb Front Squat(Currently 120)

    -Sub 6 Min Grace (Currently 6:53)

    1 HSPU
    1 Muscle Up
    30 Pullups in a row (Currently 20)
    10 Ring Dips (Currently 3)
    30 Pushups - No snaking (Currently 10ish with snaking)

    Stretch for 15-30 minutes after each workout
    Yoga 1-2 days a week
    Crossfit 3-5 days a week (Wendler 3x a week)
    2 Rest days a week

    Nutrition (Zone - 40/30/30):
    1400 - 1800 Cals
    120-180g Carbs
    90-135g Protein
    40-77g Fat
    No sugar, real or fake (imaginary sugar is ok)
    1 Piece of Fruit a day
    > 1 big serving of veggies a day
    1 Cheat meal a week

    Sleep at least 7 hours every day
    Consistent bed and awake times.
