
Details on the CrossFit 215 Throwdown at CFKoP

I received the following email from Micah:

OK people, so here we go. WE have 6 teams signed up, should make for a good tournament. First here is the schedule for the weekend.

Saturday Jan 29th at 8am West Chester vs Explode (@ West chester)
Saturday Jan 29th at 2pm KOP vs Inspire (@ KOP)
Sunday Jan 30th at 8am Generation vs 215 (@215)

I'm thinking each event will take about 5 hours, max!! hopefully less. I will bring judges, all you guys have to do is show up... and breathe a lil fire. The wod will be as follows and consist of 5 challenges.

Challenge 1) The day of you will recieve a list of 30 tasks. These tasks are anywhere from 1-5 minutes, i.e. 45 burpees, or 200 DU. Each team will send up one person at time with a task the other team will send up a competitor to match. Each athlete must compete once, and only once, in this event. A point per task, most points wins the event. There is a tie-breaker.

Challenge 2) Strength. Each team will have 30 minutes to set a total team max effort. I.e. if it were back squat, in 30 minutes each team has the opportunity for each athlete to set a 1RM and you total up each persons weight for a total weight, most lbs wins. I will announce the strength on thursday night so each team has time to prepare their athletes.

Challenge 3) there will be 3 different WODs. Each of a different skill level and each of your 20 athletes will compete in one of the 3. Level 1 will be 7, Level II will be 8, and the level III WOD will have 5 athletes participate. Add up all 20 times and lowest time wins. These WODs will be deigned so again, everyone can participate.

Challenge 4 & 5) You will divide our team in half and each one will compete in a team.

So far we have the following athletes interested, now that we have a better time commitment - 2PM on 1/29 at CFKoP -- who's in and who's out? I know things come up last minute so if we have a few more athletes with interest please post and we will figure out the final teams! We need a few more men please!!! Anyone competing in Open Sectionals should strongly consider doing this! It's going to be a fun event! 3...2...1...go!

Jen N
Steph V
Kim G
Laura P

Tim P
Sam B
Mike F
Jason L.
Jay E


  1. this looks like soooo much fun! can't wait! Ready to keep some butt too!

  2. I'd like to give it a try...count me in.

  3. This sounds really fun!!!! Can't wait!

  4. Danny, Vinny, any other guys from sectional training - we could use you! :)

  5. Sounds good...I'm in.


  6. I would love to participate. My friend who introduced me to crossfit will be competing against us. I understand that there are more than enough girls signed up so if that is the case, I will come cheer everyone on!

  7. I am more than willing to give up my spot if more guys want to compete. If you do, please let me know and you are in. I can be a reserve.

    Denise, definitely show up as you never know what is going to happen.

  8. I will throw my name in as an alternate. I might have to leave early is why I am hesitant to fully commit. Either way I'm coming to support.

  9. Denise - you can have my spot. I am definitely out. I have a stress fracture in my left foot and unfortunately broke my right foot at the box yesterday. So now I am just a cripple.
