
W.O.D. 12.28.10

For Time:
500M Row or 400M Run
21 Over Head Squats (75#/115#)
500M Row or 400M Run
15 Over Head Squats (75#/115#)
500M Row or 400M Run
9 Over Head Squats (75#/115#)

Class times for 12.28:
9:30AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM

For those of you with kids, or if you just like to get creative with your food- check out cutefoodforkids

"A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success."
-Dr. Joyce Brothers


Cate 10:23
Donkey 13:12
Tara 10:42
Laura 14:22
Tim P 11:54
Kit 8:49
Jason 9:37
Aimee 10:23
Mike V. 8:28
Jim C. 13:00 (run)
Miranda 12:28
Vinny 12:47 (run)
Kerry 10:00
Nikki 11:45
Grans 11:30
Jay E. 12:41 (run)

Karen 45# 13:40
Ironman 95# 11:15
Deb 75# (DC) 11:37
Mel 45# 14:03
Sheng-Ching 55# 12:14
Seth 95# 17:17
Christine 55# 13:04
Kathleen 45# 12:44
Lauren 35# shoulder press 11:54
Brian R. 11:46 (run) @ 95#
Dana 12:59 @ 53#
Chris B. 13:11 @ 75#
Sarah J. 13:08 @ 35#
Rachael 13:46 @ 45#
Steph V. 14:31 @ 75# Muscle Snatch
Tim H. 16:22 @ 50# (run)
Jessica 13:42 @ 35#
Gabe 13:41 @ 75# (run)
Olan 15:14 @ 105#
JZ 16:22 @ 95# (run)
WW 12:24 @ 95#
Charles 14:10 @ 53#
Katie F. 12:51 @ 53#
Shoeless 12:11 @ 95#
Pooch 10:30 @ 30#
Todd 11:35 @ 55#
Sam B. 9:15 @ 85#
Jen S. 16:32 @ 75/65#
Kristin T. 13:21 @ 65#
CC 11:28 @ 65#
Sharon 18:19 @ 15#
Rob 10:17 @ 105#


  1. I was wishing for some overhead squats. Yeah! Perhaps I have ESP.

  2. the ability to hear things in spanish? cool!

  3. Jas (or others looking for punishment), did you see CFE's post on Daniel Morgan from the UK? He rowed 24 hours and accumulated a new world record for U-20 by rowing 240.6 km's. Just think of that next time a 2k comes up

  4. 9:30 Rowers:


    Cate 10:23
    Donkey 13:12
    Tara 10:42
    Laura 14:22
    Tim P 11:54
    Kit 8:49


    Karen 45# 13:40
    Ironman 95# 11:15
    Deb 75# (DC) 11:37
    Mel 45# 14:03
    Sheng-Ching 55# 12:14
    Seth 95# 17:17
    Christine 55# 13:04
    Kathleen 45# 12:44
    Lauren 35# shoulder press 11:54

    Great work all!

  5. curious....what does DC mean next to my name? Apparently I did something wrong to not earn the RX...so now I am curious as to what.

  6. Deb: DC=Damn Close. If I were to guess I would say your depth was probably not low enough.

    Sorry I missed class today. I was eating cookies and forgot to leave my house. (ha ha...just kidding!) Hoping to make it to the 6AM tomorrow. Heading into the basement now to do the WOD. I plan on subbing 50 double unders for the row/run. Should probably do 100 DU, but Jason is not here to keep me honest.

  7. BAHHHHHHH, Dorothy! Step away from the cookie...lol!
    I ate 4 paleo choc chip ones when I came home! No self control with those damn evil things!

    Sup Deb! Yea, most of the time DC means Damn Close, may have been your ROM with the squats if you weren't reaching full depth.
