
W.O.D. 12.8.10

3 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlift 70% of 1RM. Every fifth rep must be held at the top position for 15 seconds.
15 Push Press 40#/25# Dumbells or Kettlebells. Every fifth rep must be held overhead for 15 seconds.
15 Burpees. Every fifth rep must be held in the top of the push up position for 15 seconds.

Coaching Tips:
Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The purpose of the mid-set holds is not only to develop muscle unit recruitment, but also develop mental toughness. Holding onto the bar that extra 15 seconds will help overcome weakness in your grip and weakness in your mind. The same will hold true for all three exercises in the workout. Keep in mind that the workouts that we do aren't always only for immediate physical improvements but for future workouts as well.

Finish where you want to finish on CrossFit Lisbeth

100 Challenge:
Coach P. had a great idea! Who's in? Let's resurrect the 100 Challenge. Pick an exercise, start on day one with one of the exercise, day two complete two repetitions, day 3...3, day 4...4 and so on until day 100, when you complete 100 reps! Don't miss a day!! We will begin this challenge on January 1...If you make it to 100 the challenge will end on April 10th. Post to comments your thoughts.


Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.
-Woody Allen


  1. 6:00am crew

    Howard 21:42 (115/26.5)
    Meghann 28:16 (115/25)
    SAZ 22:32 (115/20)
    Kristin 23:02 (125/25)
    Melinda 24:19 (165/25)
    Aimee 19:44 (155/25)
    Dianne 27:24 (115/15)

    Great job everyone! Meghann way to step it up with the 25lb dumbbells, and props to Melinda for rockin the 165# DL with great form. Howard, super intensity!

  2. I plan to do the 100 day challenge with double unders. I asked Santa for a jump rope so I plan to put it to good use. If I follow through, I would have to do 78 double unders on the day of my wedding!!

  3. Speaking of 100 double unders - great work by Todd on his 100 du attempt last night... 78 (I think that was the number) - so close!

    You will easily get your name on the board before the end of the year!

    Sam B.

  4. i was considering double unders too! seems like good practice.

    time to shop for a jumprope :)

  5. I am in for the 100 day challange but i am torn between DU and wall squats. DU would be challanging and more fun but if my squat gets better...i get better at soooo many movements in xfit. If my du get better then my du get better period.

    If i do the DU...how do i handle when i cannot string the number despite valiant efforts (the most i have done is 10) Would you suggest then only counting a minimun set say 5 or ten towards the total for the day??

  6. Steph- I am not attempting to string 100 DU together during this challenge. If I did that, HOLY CRAP, that would be a feat to pull off in 100 days (for me at least). You have all seen me struggle with double unders! I am doing it more for the practice so I can string more than 3 together (which is where I am now). The more double unders you do, the better you will get at them. I will never be able to string 100 in a row unless I practice so that is why I am choosing DU's for my 100 day challenge. I would be thrilled if I can get 10 or more by the end of the challenge!

  7. Steph, true about wall squats but even Mikko Salo said his box jumps and metabolic conditioning got better with du practice, not to mention the neurological benefit of getting those fast twitch processes going.

    Stringing du's or pull ups or burpees or whatever is not necessary. Just get the work done.

  8. Those are new rules -- last year we had to string the DUs. I guess the best thing to do is give each person the option. If your goal is to get better at stringing DU, you should make yourself have to string them. If you just want the DU practice, then maybe make a minimum set like Steph suggested.

    Last year I tried the 100 DU challenge but I dropped out at 40-something because I couldn't string any more.

  9. i needed to jump in here. first, i agree with p that doing du's will help a hell of a lot more than your du's. your metabolic conditioning will certainly get help and for us folk that like those strength wods, we need it.

    secondly, i will disagree with p in terms of stringing things in the challenge. something like burpees or pullups i can agree with because you will do more harm than good after day 40 or so. however, with du's, i would certainly try to string them. not one person in the gym is worse than i was when i started jumping rope. not one person. when i started the du challenge, i think i had 10 in a row or something. by day 40, i was getting to 70 on a consistent basis. the only way to get better at stringing du's is to force yourself to string them. if you need to do 10 and you get 10 but you get them one at a time, you are doing work but you are not getting better at stringing. you will be AMAZED on how much better you get at du's by doing this challenge. all of you are capable of 100+, it is why we have so much room on the board. if we didnt think you could do it, we would have put 10 slots on it. know that you can, hold yourself to the standard and some days will take a long time to get your 8 but that time is well spent and you will be happy you did in the end.

  10. The 12o'clock workout!

    Everybody got a good sweat in! Way to tough it out in the locked position and overhead.- this was such a good core workout for the abs.

    Sarah S 13:52 (45/10)
    Brie 14:31 (65/20)
    Rob P 20:16 (185/40)
    Hannah 21:11 (175/25)
    Tim P 23:09 (255/40)

  11. Im in for the DU, I dropped out last year at about 50. Step can you send me the site where you got your rope?

  12. gotcha, didn't know the du challenge had to be strung. In my mind, I wouldn't want to see someone turning down an opportunity to practice just b/c it had to be strung. Also, I would rather see someone go through 100 days of practice rather than stop at 50 b/c they can't string them. In the end, I think stringing can be a goal if you choose, but I see the practice as the ultimate benefit.

    On the other hand, I think Timmy should do a 100 pull ups strung challenge...

  13. i am going to go all in with the challange for the DU and commit to stringing them..IF i reach a point where i cannot string them anymore...i will break it up in to CHALLANGING required minimum sets.

    and as for wall squats....maybe i should just do those too!

    Its the "revolution" at www.againfaster.com $30 with shipping. they have cheaper speed ropes just like the ones we have at the box.

  14. i personally like the 5 dollar variety you get from jumpropes.com. my blue handled miracle. it is the cheapest rope we have and by far my favorite. you don't need an expensive rope to get good at double unders so dont waste money if you dont have it. it may make them easier but in the end, it is all timing and wrist speed.

  15. with all that chalk caked on the bars someone should be able to actually get to a hundo !

  16. Hey guys, why you wasting all your time at crossfit?

    i just saw this on TV and almost peed my pants.

  17. Isn't that great Steph? Make sure to let Lindsey know that I want one for Christmas....

    Did anyone see the recent Shakeweight Southpark episode? Priceless.

  18. 4:30PM class

    Brian R 23:30 (200/30)
    Jackie 23:04 (135/15)
    Rob Ph 18:31 (205/40)
    Plentus 25:12 (275/35)
    Sarah 20:50 (65/10)
    Gabe 23:42 (185/25)
    Olan 24:29 (225/35)
    Laura P (19:58 (135/25)
    Jerry 25:08 (225/35)
    Gina 21:36 (113/18# KB)
    Vinny 23:00 (255/40)
    WW 25:30 (205/30)

    Nice job all! Good burpees, really good planks, and great focus!

  19. 5:30 and 6:30 HOLLOW ROCKERS

    Mullins 22:05 (205/40)
    Ditty 27:22 (125/25)
    Megs 19:00 (135/25)
    Mike F 22:47 (265/45)
    Lizzy 21:21 (105/18)
    Flounder 23:37 (205/20)
    Jim B. 20:44 (165/25)
    Sarah B. 21:20 (135/25)
    Katie F. 21:33 (115/15)
    Denise 19:40 (115/15)
    Jessica 23:25 (75/18)
    Sandy 20:22 (85/17.6)
    Sharon 25:25 (83/15)
    Rachel 20:35 (105/15)
    Borden 22:39 (205/30)
    Jess C. 24:32 (88/20)
    Cline 25:30 (135/25)
    Jen S. 21:18 (160/25)
    Sheng Ching 24:14 (110/20)
    Jason B. 19:08 (115 bench/35)
    Conn 21:18 (185/35)
    Paul 22:31 (155/35)
    Mike B. 21:41 (245/40)
    Peterson 21:52 (205/30)
    Lindsey 26:37 (105/15)
    Charles 27:31 (155/25)

    Lindsey official deemed this "What's the Hold Up??" Love it. Great job everyone, sorry if there's typos!

  20. Improvise, Adapt and Overcome: Chicago Hotel version of this WOD...2 50# dumbbells for deads, 2 20# dumbbells for push press, and burpees per miserable rx. final time, 24:41.
