
W.O.D. 11.28.10

Tabata Olympic Lifts:
8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for each exercise.
Deadlift 95#/65# (Use the same # for all exercises)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Jerk

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
-William Arthur Ward


  1. 10AM results:

    Numbers are posted as deadlift/power clean/front squat/push jerk


    Kim G 9/3/3/3
    Peterson 84/3/4
    Lindsey (65.5#) 9/3/3/3
    Mel 11/5/4/4
    Danny 13/6/5/8
    Vinny 9/4/4/6
    Melinda 11/6/6/5
    Laura 10/5/5/4
    Tim P 12/6/5/5
    Rob P 12/4/5/5


    Karen (45#) 10/5/5/4
    Mike S (45#) 9/5/6/6
    Sarah (35#) 7/5/6/4
    Jess C (30#) 10/6/6/9
    Kristin T (53#) 10/5/5/5

    Coaches note: Awesome display of effort today! Folks going for Rx all had good form with full range of motion, nicely done! For those who thought the weight would not be that heavy, second thoughts?

  2. Reminder...this Friday is CrossFit KOP's Ladies Night Out. We are starting at the Box at 6:30 (BYOB) and heading to Northern Liberties around 8:30-9pm. I will make some dips/veggie tray/tomato pie (they will be of the non-paleo variety, so if you want to bring something as well, please feel free).

    If you are taking the 6:30 class and showering at the Box, please be ready to go by 8:30.

    We will NOT have organized transportation because there was not enough interest, so we will figure out a carpool situation once we are at the Box and know how many people are going.

    This is an open invitation to all the Ladies at the Box so please spread the word around. This is NOT a Stink and Drink, we are going out on the town :)

    Can't wait to see everyone on Friday night - Holiday accessories are encouraged :)

  3. Donkey slept through the WOD this morning because i am lazy and shiftless.

    However, I decided to run this WOD at Bally's KOP, just for grins. Forgot how much I hated that place.

    Rx: 13/5/4/3

    front squats not to full depth given ongoing knee issues. Other movements per standard.

    and yes, 65# felt VERY DAMN heavy VERY DAMN fast.

    on the plus side, I got to say the famous words "can't talk now, thanks, bye". LOL.
