
W.O.D. 11.22.10


25 Pull Ups
50 Deadlifts (M:135/W:95)
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers (M:135/W:95)
50 DB Clean and Jerk (M:35/W:15)
25 Pull Ups

This is the “300″ WOD from Gym Jones and the training sessions Mark Twight did with the actors who played as the Spartans in the movie, “300″. They used this WOD as a benchmark a couple times throughout the training process.

WOD and Wings:
Congratulations to Miranda who tied for the winning Wing Recipe this weekend at the WOD and Wings competition at CFAPEX.

"Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?"
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Rx+ Results:
Deb 33:16 20 lb db
Danny 20:50 40lb db

Rx Results:
Jim C 30:59
Sam D 27:30
Jason 29:42
Olan 31:14
Mike V 17:01
Aimee 21:46
Mike M 16:52
Kevin 22:36
Jerry 27:42
Nikki 17:57
Vinny 24:37
Shawn 27:45
Granny 18:50
Rob 28:56
Mike B 30:40

Damn Close:
Todd 28:49
Donkey 27:27 (step ups)
Vincent 24:56 (ROM)
Miranda 32:42 (48 wipers at 95# and 2 at 75#) 20#DB

Scale Results:
Kelly 28:00 (first class)
Brie 27:57
Chris 26:53
Kara 26:13
Hannah 35:01
Sharon 30:54
Tim H 34:37
Ben 35:04
Tom D 27:01
Jackie 28:55
Gabe 33:28
Pat 32:04
Mel 25:23
Brian R. 31:49
JZ 26:16
Rachael 27:37
Rob Ph 23:28
Melinda 28:59
Megs 21:33
Kathleen 29:04
Flounder 32:09
Dana 29:54
Kristin T. 24:04
Sarah J 20:51 (1/2)
Denise 25:08
Sheng-Ching 37:15
C.Bell 35:53
Paul 31:10
Liz 28:50
Peterson 34:18
Shoeless 34:15
Mike S. 38:20
Julie 23:25
Chris 27:00
Jen S. 26:23
CC 22:37
Jen N. 29:23
Parag 38:27
Kelly 21:25
Katie D. 24:00
Beth 33:33
Conn 29:40
Kristin SB 32:31 (all pullups rx)


  1. Did anyone invite Gerard Butler? mmmmm.....

  2. I love this WOD, esp the floor wipers!!

    Rock climbing is tonight!!
    6-8pm at Philadelphia rock gym in oaks- $20
    17 people signed on but room for more.
    Last minute takers hit me up by 3pm. Stephanie@radicalhateloss.com

  3. Miranda, congratulations! Will you be sharing your Wing recipe?

    I am so bummer out that I will miss this WOD. It looks like fun. Damn hip is feeling almost all better, but I don't want to push it. I promised myself a week off. I have been getting very intimate with my foam roller lately. That, combined with ice and alleve seems to be the ticket.

    Can't wait to see everyone at rock climbing tonight.

  4. Any word on the team event Friday? What time and what's going on?

  5. Todd- the Turkey Team workout will be at 10AM on Friday and will be something that is scalable for everyone! Stay posted for details.

    Reminder our Thanksgiving schedule is below:

    Wednesday 11/24

    Thursday 11/25
    CLOSED – Happy Thanksgiving!

    Friday 11/26
    10:00 – (Turkey Team WOD – free for friends and relatives)

    Saturday 11/27

    Sunday 11/28

  6. Would anyone be interested in going out for a few drinks Wednesday night after the 430 class? I live local, so I won't be traveling to visit anyone. Let me know!

  7. Miranda,

    IN. I was looking for something to do anyways. There's a bunch of stuff going on in Conshy.

  8. 9:30 results:

    Deb 33:16 20 lb db

    Jim C 30:59
    Sam D 27:30

    Kelly 28:00 (first class)
    Brie 27:57
    Chris 26:53
    Kara 26:13

    Welcome, Kelly!!! What a workout for your first class!!!

  9. Check out the WOD and Wings Video from Saturday.

    You can see it on our site. www.crossFitapex.com

    Aimee and Jayson hope the little one is doing well.

  10. I only got 1/2 my wipers with 95 the other 25 was with 75...whomp, whomp:(
    That wod is no joke!
    Props to Donkey for crushing it. Kristen your pull ups look great! Loved working out with the 630 peeps!

  11. Miranda - ur so right - the class was awesome. can we do it again???

  12. Miranda...kudos on the wings recipe, girl! way to represent KOP!

  13. Miranda,
    If I can round up a babysitter, I'd be in for getting together after class tomorrow. Keep me posted.

  14. 64 people showed up to the box today. 27 were at the 6:30, whoa!

    thanks for cooperating and making it work 6:30 class, you all did great!
