
Good Luck to Plentus, Ditty and Tim, who are running in the Philadelphia Marathon today! ...and Laura too who's jumping in half way to run the final miles with Ditty!

W.O.D. 11.21.10
Use 15 minutes to get to your 15 rep max consecutive Clean and Jerk

GHD Sit -ups and Back Extensions
execute 25 + depending on level and ability

Cash out:
Kettlebell Swings
Sit ups

Opening the way by Lisbeth Darsh

"Without perseverance talent is a barren bed."
- Welsh Proverb


  1. Good luck guys & gals.

  2. Amy, I feel like you're trying to make up for lost time at the box!

  3. good luck, runners! and kudos to mike F for finishing the tough mudder today!

  4. Good Luck on the marathon!!!

    Wish I could jump in on today's class!

    There is a 5k on Thanksgiving morning in Chesterbrook if anyone would like to join me. You can sign up at www.runtheday.com

  5. If anyone has seen a clear plastic water container with a green top at the gym please let me know I misplaced my water thing at the gym somewhere and I know I need my water.

  6. 7am Marathoners

    Ditty - 5:00 (although we think she was just under 5hrs)
    TP - 3:59
    P. Lentus - 3:27

    it was a great day for a marathon, weather was just right: cool enough, but not cold. Ditty's parents flew out from Austin for it and our college friends came from Boston, NYC, and local to cheer us on. Ditty was exactly 26.2 years old today (marathons are 26.2 miles long) so it was very poetic. Laura stepped in at 13.1 miles to run the 2nd half with Ditty and was a great Pacecar. We all hit "walls" around 21ish miles, but we pushed through and finished our first (and only) marathons. Before this, none of us had run more than 20 miles. We are very excited to get back into CrossFit and thank you for the support!

  7. Way to go marathoners!!! I'm sure you all burned some serious calories!

  8. CONGRATS TO ALL THE MARATHONERS!!!! Great times. Just to finish is an amazing accomplishment! I will do burpees (double clap) to show my amazement! Just give me a number and I'll do it... for serious

  9. 9:00 AM class:
    Weight for clean and jerk/time for cash out (KB used)

    Kevin Y 135/6:40 (55#)
    Hannah 100/6:28 (45#)
    Sandy 55/7:47 (35#)

    10:00 AM class:

    Karen 65/8:22 (26.5#)
    Danny 170/8:30 (70#)
    Dianne 53 (form)/9:00 (26.5)
    Peterson 115/7:03 (55#)
    Jess 45 (form)/9:44 (26.5)
    Steph V 110/8:43 (55#)
    Vincent 115/6:16 (55#)
    Joe A 135/9:48 (55#)
    Cline 75/10:06 (35#)
    Vinny 145/6:30 (55#)
    Kristin T 63/7:32 (26.5#)
    Tim H 95/10:28 (45#)
    Kristen SB 65/7:47 (35#)

    Good work everyone, especially those who were tackling clean and jerks for the first time in a WOD. Lots of really good KB swings by everyone also!

  10. congrats on the marathon, guys and gals. I have no desire to run one, so I'm glad you did it for me ; ) Hope to see all of you around the box more often!

  11. kudos, you running fools! i could never finish one so I'm TRIPLE impressed with yours!!!

  12. Aim - according to our watches, we burned over 3127 calories

    Kim G - do 3 double clap burpees, one for each of us that did the marathon and 1 regular burpee, for Laura who did the 2nd half

  13. Congrats on the day to all! Checking items off the bucket list is good stuff!! The community was running with you throughout!

  14. Welcome to the family Emily!

  15. Hey thanks for all the support guys- it was great to witness all of the "heart" today that it takes to complete such a run that we've never done before. Now I'm on a mission to replace my 3,127 calories...

  16. running a marathon shows an addiction to pain so my respect to those that even attempt one. finishing it on the other hand....great job guys. i hear the psyche ward has some room...
