
W.O.D. 11.2.10


Community Events:
Good luck to Nikki who will be representing CF KoP at the The 3rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge on November 6 and 7, 2010!

This Saturday November 6th we are offering FREE Yoga with Tori at 11:00AM at CrossFit KoP. Everyone is welcome, no matter you level of experience. Click here to read more.


"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings."
-William Black


  1. Anyone up for a few drinks in Manayunk on Wednesday night??

    Goodman Brown is playing at the Grape Street. This is a friend of mine's band. They normally play in N. Jersey and in NYC, but are trying to get some play in Philly. This is there first gig in Philly.

    They take the stage at 10pm.... we can hit somewhere to eat first....

    I am 46... so I don't want to hear anyone whining saying they have to get up early... (don't worry the band is young) ;-)

  2. I'm in Jerry if someone else will drive... :-)

  3. I have an event in Center City till 9pm so I could probably swing back on the way back from Old City.

    Also...Any shot that two people can help me move a sofa from Macy's in Plymouth Meeting Mall to Conshohocken in to my new studio?

    I was hoping to do it tonight after work(my dad and brother bailed) , just need one or two more people to help me move it. However, I can reschedule the truck for whenever (just not when raining since sofa will get wet). They are open till 9:30 tonight so after WOD would be fine too.

  4. i'm in for grape st. and i will bring people if you all want to meet at the box or chez moi (it's 4 blocks from the box). i could be convinced to go down early for food. le bus is always good. there's a better than decent mexican place up in the hills of the 'yunk. there's a bangin' thai place right on main street. etc. etc.

  5. 10 pm on a school night is SO late! Darn it, I would never make it to work the next day, sorry:(

  6. Let me know what time to meet you Donkey.. 610-476-9787 Thanks! Maura

  7. Results part 1:

    9:30 class

    Kara 185 x 3
    Eileen 85 x 3
    Diann 160 x 3

    4:30 class

    Dorothy 165 x 3
    Brian R 275 x 3
    Olan 325 x 3
    Steph V 275 x 3
    Gabe 165 x 3
    Nikki 235 x 3
    Karen 185.5 x 3
    Hannah 235 x 3
    Jim C 365 x 3

    Great work everyone!

  8. 5:30 results
    Shoeless 305x3
    Vincent 385x3
    Denise 150x3
    Nicole St. 75x3
    Gina 148x3
    JZ 305x3
    Lisa C. 153x3
    Melinda 205x3

    Awesome work tonight guys! Lots of PRs tonight!! Shout out to Melinda - not sure what you drank/ate for your birthday but you should make it a ritual before every heavy dead day! Great job!

  9. ahhh, sorry 6:30 I forgot to take a picture of the results. Off the top of my head (correct me if I'm wrong):

    Lucy 103#
    Kathleen 145# (150x2)
    Jen N. 135#
    Charles 185#
    Peterson 335#
    Kristy 165#
    Jen S. 205#
    Granny 205#
    Laura 155# (form)

  10. Did last night's WOD tonight at school. Rx but did not finish under the 20 minute cap. 22:23, but I'll take it since I did it with out any coaching/support. WOD's alone suck.

  11. JZ at 305...that's some serious weight brother! Over 2x your body weight, huge!

  12. The vincent's are in for the Yunk tomorrow! Sleep when ur dead right??? :))
