
Congratulations to Nikki who placed 7th at the BWI Mid-Atlantic Hopper!

W.O.D. 11.12.10

WOD's from the BWI Mid-Atlantic Hopper:
Your choice, you can select 1, 2, or 3 WODs to complete in class.

WallBalls (14#/20# all to 10ft)
Hang Power cleans (65#/95#)

Max Back Squats in 3 minutes

500M Row
44 Double Unders

Community Events:
Who's in for WOD and Wings?
Click here for more information. The event will be on 11/20/10 at CF Apex.

PA's Fittest Competition hosted by CrossFit 610 and CrossFit Advanced on 12/4/10.

CrossFit Lincoln hosts the "girls" affiliate challenge-complete 14 'girl' named benchmark WOD's for time in a team of 6. Click here for more information.

The Disposable Heroes WOD hosted by CrossFit Apex on 2/5/11.

Face each day with the expectation of achieving good, rather than the dread of falling short.
- Shannon Miller


  1. Congrats Nikki!

    Thanks for being an inspiration to all us girl crossfitters. ;]


  2. So if you choose to do all three, is there a rest between wod's?

  3. Danny-yes...rest as needed and instructed by the coach teaching your class. Good Luck!

  4. 6am "The Friday Fumblers"


    Joe A 8:32/30/5:42
    Pat 715/29/4:57SU
    Peterson 9:07/x/3:53du
    Lindsey 14:59
    Bekah 11:30/25/3:43su
    Ellie 9:45 (9') /30@95#)/4:10du
    Jay E 46 BSq/4:43 du attempts
    Jen C 6:42/28/3:21du
    Meghann 13:55/40/6:22su
    Mike S 13:58/55@65#/5:00

  5. "The Q102 12'oclock workout"... begins now.

    WOD1 / WOD2 / WOD3

    Jim C 7:33/20/4:03(D.U.)
    Dorothy 9:35/20@115/3:36DU
    Deb 8:41/26/5:05DU
    Denise 8:53@55#/30/4:34 du attempts
    Joyce 5:53/x/?
    Sam D 6:17/x/2:31DU
    Sam H 5:30/x/?
    Danny 4:52/32/3:00DU
    Olan 8:32/x/3:18DU
    Jerry 5:38/40/3:32DU
    Jay S x/20@185/5:31
    Shawn T 6:41/x/3:37DU
    Steph V 8:28@68#/12/5:20DU

    Awesome classes today- exceptional stamina and heart sticking thru these unique WODS- I agree with most that it was tougher than they originally thought- but that's how it always goes :)

  6. For the record, for WOD3 at 6 AM, I did not do DUs. I did 132 SUs. It would be nice if I had the DUs, but I'm not there (yet). Thanks!

  7. 5:30 and 6:30 triple wodders

    Sarah 11:30 (33#)/26 (63#)/3:30 (SU)
    Vinny 9:14 (rx) / 19 (205#) / 4:58 (DU attempt)
    Laura 8:58 (Rx) / 14 (115#) / 2:59 (Rx)
    Sandy 11:05 (35#/6#) / 15 (95#) / 3:28 (SU)
    Wendy 10:06 (8#/55#) / 40 (55#) / 3:42 (SU)
    Mike B 6:47 (Rx) / 33 (205#) / X
    CC X / 43 (95#) / 3:51 (Rx)
    Katie 9:51 (8#/55#) / 26 (55#) / 4:08 (SU)
    Sam 12:18 (Rx) / x / 4:34 (SU)
    Dana 12:18 (53) / 20 (83) / 4:29 (SU)
    Melinda 11:36 (Rx) / 22 (115#) / 5:50 (mix)
    Kristin 10:32 (53#) / 39 (73#) / 4:50 (DU attempts)
    Hannah 7:38 (Rx) / 46 (95#) / 3:04 Rx
    Cline 9:46 (14#/45#) / X / 4:10 (SU)
    Rob P 5:44 (Rx) / 14 (185#) / 1:39 (row only)
    Miranda 8:12 (rx) / 40 (95#) / 3:53 (rx)
    ShengChing 10:03 (45#) / 35 (65#) / 2:13 (row only)
    Todd 9:47 (115, rx+) / 11 (205#) / 2:39 (Rx)
    Shoeless 10:08 (Rx) / 21 (165) / X

  8. Sorry for the delay...

    4:30 Wonder Wodders (WOD1/WOD2/WOD3)

    Jason: 6:03/20/2:20 (All Rx)
    Rachael: 11:09 (12#/35#)
    Brian R: 7:50 (Rx)/X/3:19 (SU)
    Kev: 5:05/X/3:55 (Both Rx)
    Rob Ph: 5:48 (Rx)/24 (DC Depth)/4:04 (SU)
    Gabe: X/40 (100#)/4:36 (Rx)
    Nikki: 6:53/X/2:46 (Both Rx)
    Nicole S: 10:02/X/6:26 (Both Rx)
    Kathleen: 8:41 (10#/35#)/42 (65#)/5:33 (Rx)
    Tim H: 14:29 (Rx+ more wall balls)/20 (135#)/X

    BIG shout out to Tim H for his first Rx WOD and he was surely Rx because that ball was high enough every time and those squats are low. Keep up the great work and AWESOME accomplishment. Fist bump him when you see him in class!
