
W.O.D. 10.27.10
5 minutes of Rowing for Calories
4 minutes of Box Jumps
3 minutes of Burpees
2 minutes of Hand Stand Push-ups
1 minute of Wall Balls (14/20#) to a (9/10ft) target

score is total reps for all exercises

Our Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday CrossFit kids classes will be cancelled for this week, and until further notice. We will notify you when these resume. Sorry for any inconvenience.

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
- Lord Edward Stanley


  1. 6:00 am warriors

    Todd 191 (Rx)
    Ellie 174 (Rx)
    Bekah 166 (abmat)
    SAZ 182 (13", box, 10#)
    Steph 125 (20", handstand hold)

    Great job on this WOD! It was a brutal one but you all really pushed yourselves! Steph - great job on the handstand holds. Way to get upside down!

  2. Jeff/Plentus/Tim - coaches note - I kept a running clock for this one. I gave 1 minute rest between rounds (for transition and collecting scores), so overall it was a 19 minute WOD. Have fun tonight!

  3. thanks Nikki!

    this is a day that answers the people's question: "where's the cardio??"

  4. Hi coaches,
    Will there be a 5pm strength class tomorrow night?

  5. Mel, I'm glad you asked about the strength class. This has been one of my favorite things to do each week since I joined the box, and in recent weeks the number of attendees has only been around 3 or 4, which makes me sad. I think a lot of people would really like this class and get a lot out of it. Usually we'll work on deadlifts, squats, shoulder press, and bench press in the first half, then do some assistance work or met-con in the second half. It's a great chance to get some more coaching and play more with some of the things in the box like the wall, the slam balls, the prowler, and the GHD machines. Hopefully I'll get to see some more of you this week!

  6. Hey Mel,
    Do you have any good books I could borrow? I am looking for a new read...Or could we possibly start a book swap at the box?

  7. Thakns Nikki! I have not been coming to strength class for this session because of other crap in my life but since I will have no furniture in my house on Thursday night, I thought I could come and get a workout in instead of stare at the walls all night! I want to make more of a commitment to these strength classes once we get settled in our new house though. I agree with Joe and think they are valuable classes!

    Miranda, all of my books (I think) are packed up at the moment but I have a few that I could get to you next week. I will go through them with you and if you haven't read them already, you can definitely borrow them!

  8. The Nooner Results

    Dorothy 201 (Rx)
    Deb 209 (abmattowel)
    Megann 152 (17")
    Cate 210 (Rx)
    Kristen S 157 (17" box)
    Gabe 202 (Rx)

  9. 5:30 Cow With One Eye

    Katie F. 69/50/25/5/22=171 (21",box,10#)
    Denise 59/51/27/13/21=171 (21",box,10#)
    Jess 60/51/24/1/22=158 (17",box,10#)
    Liz 65/51/33/17/16=182 (partial hspu's)
    Shawn 90/51/32/3/22=198 (Rx)
    Mike F. 84/42/30/0/21=177 (Rx)
    Sam B. 86/72/49/15/20=242 (Rx)
    Jeff 78/81/29/0/16=204 (Rx)

    Great job guys, way to hang in there! Solid efforts, which is why you earned a joke at the end, haha!

  10. 4:30 and 6:30 athletes:

    Kev 83/68/47/11/18 = 227 (Rx)
    Rob Ph 100/60/35/36/22 = 233 (box HSPU)
    Tom D73/45/20/26/10 = 183 (box HSPU)
    Brian R 94/67/41/0/18 = 220 (Rx)
    P Lentus 88/105/47/15/17 = 272 (Rx)
    Olan 86/67/36/2/21 = 210 (Rx)
    Cindy 53/58/14/45/20 = 191 (13",box, 10#)
    Ben 69/51/25/23/10 - 178 (box, 18#)
    Shoeless Joe 100/58/25/0/14=197 (Rx)

    Conn 88/57/28/1/18 = 192 (Rx)
    Jason B 89/54/29/0/15 = 187 (Rx)
    Sandy 62/64/31/0/3 = 160 (Rx)
    Jen S 74/70/32/8/15 = 199 (3 10# plates for HSPU)
    Miranda 74/52/31/0/21 = 178 (Rx)
    Peterson 82/76/39/3/19 = 239 (box)
    Danny 93/69/41/8/26 = 237 (box)
    Sheng-Ching 65/47/18/20/14 = 164 (box, 12#)
    Kristin T 67/60/27/0/15 = 169 (box)
    Rachael 68/50/31/12/11 = 172 (box)
    Laura 70/87/50/16/19 = 242 (plates for HSPU)
    Charles 79/48/23/10/9 = 169 (box)

    Great job everyone, way to stick with a tough one!

  11. Hey jeff, mine adds up to 219, not 239... I know i didnt have an extra 20 in me....

  12. Thanks Peterson, hit the wrong numbers on the calculator! Of course, if you want to do 20 extra burpees right now to get the 239 score...

  13. Thanks Plentus for overestimating our performance but Katie and I only used a 17" box. Next time we will try to conquer the 21"!

  14. oops, I must have been looking a few weeks into the future!
