
Mel and CC farmers carry!
Congrats to CC on your first Rx'd WOD!

W.O.D. 10.20.10

10 Snatches (65#/95#)
200M Farmers Walk (55#/35#)
10 Snatches (65#/95#)
200M Sand Bag Sprint (35#/75#)
10 Snatches (65#/95#)
200M Walking Lunges

"You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do."
-Henry Ford

Rob Ph 17:23 (70#)
Olan 23:22 (65#)
Granny 14:57 (Rx+ 65/40)

Mel 23:47
CC 25:52
Dorothy 20:12
Kevin C 17:56
Vinny 16:50
Mike Fab 20:04
Shawn 17:36
Jerry 25:41 (Rx weights, squat to 17" box)
Miranda 19:26

Laura 15:14 (55/35)
Joe A 22:44 (95/55)
Ellie 17:15 (35/35)
Tom D 18:57 (35/45)
Sheng Ching 22:36 (35/26)
Katie M 22:38 (35/35)
Meghann 20:37 (43/26)
Bekah 19:30 (45/35)
Tom G 18:13 (75/55)
Charlie 20:27 (75/53)
JZ 19:50 (75/53)
Gabe 18:54 (17:23)
Brian R 16:14 (75/55)
Karen 24:44 (35/35)
Gina 24:37 (45/35)
WW 23:37 (65/55)
Ben 19:46 (45/45)
Melinda 19:19 (53)
Jackie C 18:22 (22)
Denise 20:29 (35)
Flounder 23:08 (65/45)
Kim 20:21 (45/26.5)
NIcole St. 19:45 (22/30/25)
Kristen S. 21:56 (55)
Conn 20:06 (63)
Borden 22:15 (75)
Sandy 20:45 (35)
Jeff Hi. 20:20 (75/45)
Lindsey 18:25 (35)
Kathleen 21:30 (45/26.5)
Charles 27:34 (45/35)
Roger 19:27 (45)
Dana 21:47 (45)


  1. 6:00am zombie walkers:
    Laura 15:14 (55/35)
    Joe A 22:44 (95/55)
    Ellie 17:15 (35/35)
    Tom D 18:57 (35/45)
    Sheng Ching 22:36 (35/26)
    Katie M 22:38 (35/35)
    Meghann 20:37 (43/26)
    Bekah 19:30 (45/35)
    Tom G 18:13 (75/55)
    Charlie 20:27 (75/53)

    Great work guys! Wish I could have gotten some pics of my zombies walking through the fog to the turtle man :) You all really pushed through the 200m walking lunges at the end - way to keep up the intensity!

  2. I'm not doing this wod...but im wondering is it the 200m of walking lunges that take the largest chunk of time?? i think 200m of lunges alone took me 15m the last time i did it!

  3. “…I heard a noted fitness “expert” the other day say “Not a lot of fitness is fun.”

    Really? What planet do you live on, Jillian Michaels?

    Because here on Planet CrossFit, fitness is fun. And functional. And kick-ass. And hard. And terrible. And fabulous. And uplifting. And motivating. And oxygen. Pure oxygen for our hearts and our souls."

    -lisbeth darsh

  4. 5:30/6:30 Snatch-lungers

    I listed weights only if different than Rx'd (snatch/farmers/sandbag)

    Melinda 19:19 (53)
    Jackie C 18:22 (22)
    Kevin C 17:56 (Rx)
    Vinny 16:50 (Rx)
    Denise 20:29 (35)
    Mike Fab 20:04 (Rx)
    Flounder 23:08 (65/45)
    Granny 14:57 (Rx+ 65/40)
    Miranda 19:26 (Rx)
    Kim 20:21 (45/26.5)
    NIcole St. 19:45 (22/30/25)
    Shawn 17:36 (Rx)
    Kristen S. 21:56 (55)
    Jerry 25:41 (Rx weights, squat to 17" box)
    Conn 20:06 (63)
    Borden 22:15 (75)
    Sandy 20:45 (35)
    Jeff Hi. 20:20 (75/45)
    Lindsey 18:25 (35)
    Kathleen 21:30 (45/26.5)
    Charles 27:34 (45/35)
    Roger 19:27 (45)
    Dana 21:47 (45)

  5. great work tonight. Kristen S. great technique on that first pull to the hang. Flounder nice dedication to getting full squat depth, even if you had to power snatch first. Jeff Hi. nice transition getting under the bar. Jerry, way to use the box to work on your OHS. Everyone, amazing push at the end to get in the door. I know the legs were burning but you wanted to finish and got through that door. (even if it meant collapsing into the box)

  6. yeahhhhhhhh cc!! Way to go, sista!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks Just Me - not sure who you are but thanks!
