
W.O.D. 10.9.10

"The Sandbag Assault"
Run-800M (carry sandbag)
10 wall ascents
100 sand bag burpees
100 sand bag push press
100 sand bag cleans
10 wall ascents
Run-800M (carry sandbag)

*This will be completed in teams of 2. One athlete works at a time, except in the run, both athletes run, one carries the sandbag. Recommended sandbag weight for ladies 35# and men 70#; 6ft wall for ladies, 8ft wall for gentlemen. Assistance will be allowed to scale the wall if needed.

Being happy is something you have to learn. I often surprise myself by saying "Wow, this is it. I guess I'm happy. I got a home I love. A career that I love. I'm even feeling more and more at peace with myself." If there's something else to happiness, let me know. I'm ambitious for that, too.
- Harrison Ford


  1. 9 and 10am results:
    Mike and Beth B - 39:48 (35#)
    Steph V & Mike T - 36:17 (35#)
    Ellie & Ken - 42:13 (35#)
    Todd & SAZ - 40:31 (35#, Row)
    Cate, Mike V, Jay E - 32:39 (1.5x reps, 2ppl at a time)
    Joe A, Sam L - 44:10 (70#/35#)

    Great job on a long WOD! Way to fight through with the sandbags on the push presses and cleans - they're a lot harder than barbells, but we crossfitters love constantly varied movements, right?!? And a little sand in our eyes is just part of the variety. :) Props to Todd for doing all 20 wall climbs for your team, and to Mike T, Mike V, Joe A, and Sam for tackling the 8' wall. Now go enjoy your weekend!

  2. Great job everyone and way to go Steve for pushing through with me. Nikki tricked you into thinking your vest was only 20 lbs, but you rocked the row!

  3. I have to say I was quite intimidated to be mike t's partner, but I have to day mike, u were an awesome teammate, felt like ur equal!

  4. Steph, u kicked ass and are a great teammate too!. The WOD kicked my butt and it actually hurt to sneeze today. Fun.
