
Kristen S.

9:30 AM KB Swingers- Chris T. Kara and Pete!

Vincent, Jerry and Dana -Rope Climbers

W.O.D. 10.4.10

"AMRAP forever"
courtesy of Todd

AMRAP in 3 minutes of each exercise with 1 minute rest in between each:

KB swings (55#/35#)
double unders
box jumps (21"/25")
rope climbs

Your score is the total reps for all exercises. The rope climbs will have a multiplier of 10. For example 1 rope climb = 10 reps, 2 rope climbs = 20 reps.

Check out:

CrossFit Kids:
The 7-12 year old CrossFit Kids "bears" class will be back in session on October 5th from 3:30-4:30PM. Click here for the flyer to read more information.

The CrossKids "cubs" class, our 3-6 years old CrossFitters will continue their class on Thursday's at 3:30 PM and our Sunday 11AM session will resume on November 7th.

"When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy."
-Samuel Goldwyn

Total Results:

Jason 404
Mike B. 296
Kevin 350
Brian R. 265
Olan 282
Nikki 506
Dorothy 308
Todd 318
P 436
Liz 339
Shoeless 248
Rob 287
Miranda 295
Jen S. 404
Laura 461
Shawn 283
Mike F. 283
Vincent 255
Jerry 379
Mel 253

Kara 213
Chris T. 206
Pete 199
Aimee 406
Gabe 256
Rob Ph. 328
Gina 221
Karen 210
Danny 308
Beth 258
Ben 179
Steph V. 230
Han 356
Mel 253
Kim G. 276
Fish 190
Kel 278
Katie D. 245
Dana 224
Bevin 254
Peterson 250
Donkey 310
CC 224
Lindsey 285
JZ 375
Conn 220
Borden 283
Jeff Hi 232
Charles 255
Sheng-Ching 221
Kristen S. 243


  1. There is a 12K run, 7.45 mile, out and back, on Saturday Nov 13th. Go to www.whyy.org/y12k to sign up.

    For those with kids there is a free fun run for kids 13 and under!
    Elmo, cookie monster and Abby Cadabby will be there as well!!

  2. hey shoeless joe....
    shoot me an email,stephanie@radicalhateloss.com. i got your address from aimee, but it came back.

  3. yikes, check this guy out:

    Mikhail Koklyaev is a six time Russian National Weightlifting champion, strongman competitor and powerlifter. He was born in 1978 in Chelyabinsk, Russia.

    Snatch: 210.0 kg (462 lb)
    Clean and Jerk: 250.0 kg (550 lb)
    Total: 450.0 kg (990 lb)

    Powerlifting ("Raw"):
    Squat: 365.0 kg (803 lb)
    Bench Press: 240.0 kg (528 lb)
    Deadlift: 415.0 kg (913 lb)
    Total: 985.0 kg (2,167 lb)


    Plus, Vasilee Alexeev basically push pressing 507lbs.


  4. Alot of those old time russian strong men were known to juice...but you still have to workout to get that strong.

  5. Hey Todd: thanks for the evil WOD. I'm gonna be feeling that one for a few days.

  6. Todd, thanks for the great WOD.

    Wow, such high numbers by so many! Way to go everyone! I still am amazed by the strength and ability of our awesome athletes at CF KOP. Especially the girls!

    Mel, nice job with the RX.

    Aimee, did you rope climb? Wow, your score just amazes me! Awesome!

    I think everyone did an awesome job today!

  7. @ Kristen - Thank you. Yes, I did climb the rope 3 times. Scaled the 21" box down to a 13" for the Box Jumps though...It's hard to "tuck my knees" anymore when I jump :)

  8. Thanks for coming out everyone! I always say Crossfit is at least 65% mental, and that WOD really messes with your head. Great job everyone!

    FYI, I am not sure if the calculator was working when Jason added my score. I came up with a different number :)

  9. Aim, you just gotta TUCK YOUR KNEES! it's easy

  10. Todd - I thought that number looked low for you! What should it really be? Aimee can correct it on the blog for you

  11. I never thought that I could do the 25 inch box jumps. They look so massive. But I just did it. It felt awesome.

  12. WTG everyone....mel on the rope climb....charles on the 25in box.

    Like nothing else Crossfit has us doing things we never thought would have been possible. A particular feat can feel like it will never happen...and then all of a sudden it just does!!

    My goal for 2010 (set in dec 09) was to accomplish 1 Pull-up with a single band (at the time i needed the two biggest to get my chin over the bar)Today i can WOD with the 1 inch band,and that mental floss pull up is getting closer and closer!
