
SUNDAY 10.10.10 at CrossFit KoP

We will have our regularly scheduled Classes 9AM/10AM and CrossFit Kids at 11AM.

Deadlifts and Dresses Details

When: 11:30 AM

So far we have 11 ladies, Jen S, Donkey, Steph V, Mel, Kimberly, Kristen S, Gina, Patti, CC, Ellie and Aimee. Anyone is welcome! The more the merrier. Any type of dress will be fitting!

We do not have a professional photographer...YET! If anyone would like to show up or solicit more, we would appreciate it. If not, I will have my camera on hand and Jen S. has offered to bring her painters lights for optimum lighting. Despite the lack of a photographer we do have someone available for outfit changes...thank you JZ!!

When: 1:00-4:00PM


  1. Rob, I got your email and tried replying but I got a bounce back. You're in for the clean and jerk clinic on Sunday.

  2. Did the ladies read the rules for this thing? You need a picture of you deadlifting heavy stuff and then a 2nd picture of you wearing a dress. Get those weights high and lets take some pics!

  3. yeah jason...i never read it the first time...just realized that myself.

    I am doing the warrior dash in the am. I prob will be late. Even if I don't model I'll be there to help out!

  4. i think in addition to the single lifts, we should submit a "total KOP" group pic: one of all of us deadlifting at the same time, and then one group shot in our dresses. what's more badass than a hot woman lifting heavy shit? 11of us :)

    why no mom?

  5. I am thinking we should do the pictures of the dresses first so we can come in from home with hair/make-up done and then sweat it up by lifting some heavy shit!

  6. Mel thats a good idea. I'm such a planner and I couldn't figure out how sunday is going to work. Wearing our dresses is a great idea.

  7. good idea ladies. so dresses first, then deads. also, if you "Like" the page on Facebook you can see some of the entries already in there. it's a crossfitter (surprise surprise) who's running this show :)
