
November is Free Yoga Month at CrossFit KoP
Join us on
Saturday 11/6 and 11/20 @ 11:00AM and help us welcome Tori Emery!

Tori is a board certified music therapist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She is currently enrolled in a 200 Hour yoga teacher training program at Verge Yoga located in Wayne. She first "stepped onto her mat" 10 years ago and has not looked back since. She has used her yoga practice to help manage the stress of a fast-paced hospital environment and to find balance in her everyday roles as mom, wife, musician, therapist and athlete.

The type of yoga Tori will be offering us is called Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is known as the physical path, using the body through asana (poses) and pranayama (breath) to control the mind and senses. This path of yoga is the perfect practice for the "Crossfitter". It's emphasis on dynamic movement principles, core strengthening, proper alignment, balancing poses and increasing flexibility by opening up the body through mindful breath fits into the the "holistic" fitness approach that Crossfit offers its clientele in training people to face their weakness and make them stronger. This is exactly what Hatha yoga does. When on the mat we are faced with our resistances and our weaknesses moving beyond them through breath, concentration and precise focus; and we become stronger for it.

This is open to the public and all CrossFitters (male or female), mark your calendars and bring a friend!


  1. Sounds great! Thanks Tori! I'll be there for the 11/20 session

  2. Oh man, love yoga. I'll be thee for both if I can

  3. Thank you to all who came out for the yoga class! There was some great energy and focus.

    Thank you Aimee and Jason for opening up your space and giving the opportunity for me to teach yoga to the awesome Crossfit KOP community!

    Looking forward to another great class in 2 weeks! Hope to see the same people as today and some new faces as well :-)

    - Tori
