
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

W.O.D. 10.23.10

1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Murph as Rx'd calls for a 20# weight vest/body armor for men or a 10# weight vest for ladies.



In teams of two complete the following, one person working at a time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Happy Birthday Mel! Enjoy your day!

Balanced Bites

‎"Competition is the spice of sports; but if you make spice the whole meal you'll be sick."
- George Leonard


  1. That's not a hero wod, that's a super hero wod!
    -steph v

  2. i once again fear my workout. awesome.

  3. Happy birthday Mel!!!! Have a great day:)))

    I want to do this wod. I just don't know if I'll finish in time to go to work at 7pm!!!!

  4. Hey Mel!!! Have an awesome Birthday!!

  5. Have a good birthday mel!

    Hope everyone has fun with Murph....

    Me and Lindsey got our asses kicked by Brennan at NEPA Crossfit today up here in Wilkes-Barre.

    5 rounds of
    400m run, 10 1/2 1 rep max DL, 10 hand release burpees, 10 wall balls 20/14, 10 kb swings 70/44

    I used 135 for the dl and 53 kb's and got 29:34
    Lindsey used 75 for the dl, 10 for wb's, and 26 for kb's and got 31:00.

  6. 9am and 10am MURPHERS!

    Rx Murph
    Sam B (the rockstar) 38:05
    Nikki 45:12
    Todd 53:26 (Row)

    Full Murph
    Mike T 40:42
    Jen S 58:13
    Tim G 53:13
    Danny 54:05
    Mike Fab 60:53

    Half Murph w/ Vest
    Donkey 33:42

    Half Murph
    Tom D 40:08
    Gabe 24:34
    Steph V 39:03
    Mimi 38:21
    Beth 30:06
    Mel 29:58
    Mike B 28:00
    Jessica 35:21
    Ellie 25:42
    Jen N 33:20
    Rachael 34:09
    Jim C 33:05
    Liz 33:25
    Ben 32:57
    Kristen 31:12

  7. Happy Birthday Mel! Hope you have a great day!


  8. PS - donkey was
    Donkey 33:42 (row)

  9. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!! I am really glad to call you all my friends!!

  10. A couple of coach's notes:

    Happy Birthday Mel! I love that you celebrated by doing this WOD and being such a great support to the class. Major props girl!

    Way to go with a 1/2 Murph with the weight vest Donkey! Sorry about the epic fail chalk bucket!!!

    Special note for Tom D. who met Pukie and still finished the WOD. Tom, you were a rock star today, great job!!!

    Each and everyone of you pushed hard, many of you beyond what you thought possible. I got a lump in my throat watching both the 9 and 10 AM classes sprint for the door on the final run. What a privilege to coach today!!!!

  11. Nice job Nikki on the Rx! I knew you would do amazing at it - even for the first time doing it.

  12. Happy Birthday again, Mel! I got you 37 post-WOD burpees. I hope you like them.

  13. happy birthday, mel! you've been an awesome part of KOP for me!

    @Cindy: I've been laughing at the epic fail with the chalk bucket all day.

    To everyone, but most especially the full Murphs...nice one. you done realllll good today.

  14. Happy birthday Mel! You're so much fun to work out with, and I always look forward to hanging out with you before each wod.

  15. Thanks Ellie! It was actually kinda fun to do with the weight vest -- but MAN I'm sore today! :)
