

Based on the success of this class we will continue it through September and October, ending October 25th. If the popularity remains we will advise a schedule for the continued class throughout the winter months.

What: Build your strength and power while improving the execution and technique of your favorite lifts in the most efficient way possible. We will focus on the 5 basic barbell exercises: the squat, the deadlift, the press, the bench press and the clean (...and we will add in the snatch - because it's an amazing lift). There will be a specific format followed in each class, but you will be able to move at your own pace. This class is open to all skill levels and abilities.

When: Monday's at 7:30-8:30PM and Thursday's at 5:00-6:00PM.

Cost: This class can count as a regular class as part of your membership. You can sign up on a per class basis for $20 or sign up for the entire 10 class package for $100.

Thoughts: As always please feel free to post to comments your thoughts on the class.


  1. This is great news! Love this class.

  2. Love this class too!

    Just a note: for all of you with no plans on Saturday night, my team for the MS bike ride is hosting a beef and beer at Paddy Whack's in Northeast Philly (I know, I know, but most of the gang lives up that way so it's close for them).

    $30 from 8pm-midnight. I realize this is not Paleo-friendly (though maybe the beef-with-no-roll part is), but I will be driving, so if anyone wants to go to support a good cause, it would be much appreciated.

  3. This is a great class. I'm glad it's continuing! Thanks, Aimee and Jason!

  4. I would recommend beginners and/or people who are "stuck" or hit a plateau to consider these barbell classes. The "novice effect" will allow for you to go to any normal CF class and see improvements pretty darn quickly (e.g. weight loss, lung capacity, some strength), but to really get places, linear strength training is key.

  5. grans needs a little of this class...i need to get me some of what jz's got...GUNS!!!!

  6. i am thrilled this class will continue, as i also like it. yay1

  7. This is a great way to build strength, I'd be interesed in the winter class maybe November to December?

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