


4:30 crew

W.O.D. 8.20.10
Olympic Bar Mile or PVC (Broomstick) Mile

With an Olympic bar (45#) athletes will complete the the following exercises as a team. Athletes do not move to the next exercise until EVERYONE is back from each of the 400M runs. The total time for the team concludes when each person is back from the run.
Run 400M
Back Squat X 50
Front Squat X 50
Over Head Squat X 50
Run 400M
Shoulder Press X 50
Push Press X 50
Push Jerk X50
Run 400M
Hang Power Clean X50
Hang Power Snatch X 50
Run 400M


With PVC the athletes will complete the the following exercises as a team. Athletes do not move to the next exercise until EVERYONE has returned from each of the 400M runs. The total time for the team concludes when each person is back from the run.

Run 400M
Back Squat X 25
Front Squat X 25
Over Head Squat X 25
Run 400M
Shoulder Press X 25
Push Press X 25
Push Jerk X 25
Run 400M
Hang Power Clean X 50
Hang Power Snatch X 50
Run 400M

Coach notes:
Team size will be selected by the coach of each class depending on the amount .

What do you eat by Chris Plentus

"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste."
-Henry Ford

Olympic Bar mile Results:
Charlie, Sam D. Joe A. Olan, Dorothy, Cate, Hannah 48:35
Aimee, Jason 40:59
Mike F., Kev, Rob Ph., JZ, Nikki, Plentus 37:38
Swine, Miranda, Jen S, Tom, Jerry 42:04
Jason B, Jay E, Tim H(25), Liz(25), Shawn 35:21
Rob P (row) / Sam B / Ellie (33#)/ Grans / Josh (25reps)- 37:10

Broomstick mile Results:

Dana(33), Melinda(33/15), Kristen T.(PVC) Rhaman(45) 36:32
Kim G., Holly, Mimi 26:53


  1. What happens if I can't run? :(

  2. usually the equivalent is 500m row

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 6am Team: Breakfast Club

    Dana, Melinda, Kristin T, Rahman-> 36:32

  5. 6:30 pm class:

    Rob P (row) / Sam B / Ellie (33#)/ Grans / Josh (25reps)- 37:10

  6. Awesome Job to the 6:30 class! Great teamwork and a solid finish!!
