
W.O.D. 8.19.10

3 Rounds for time:
10 front squats (200#/135#) followed by 90 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#).
At the end of the WOD, each Kettlebell swing performed removes 1 second from your score.

Local Competition:

Affiliate Throwdown at CrossFit 215

Paleo Milkshake Recipes

"Show me a man who never failed and I'll show you a man who never tried anything hard enough."
- Allen Waimsley

Rx Results:
Aimee 135# 8:37 (-105)=6:52
Jay 205# 9:12 (-45)=8:38
Cate 135# 9:14 (-95)=7:49

Dana 65# 10:03 (-60)=9:03
Steph V. 95# 9:30 (-78)=8:12
Laura 95# 12:29 (-94)=10:55
Ellie 85# 7:30 (-91)=5:59
Bevin 65# 7:30 (-89)=6:01
Keri 45/65# 9:40 (-76)=8:24
Olan 115# 8:56 (-88)=7:28
Rachael H. 65# 11:00 (-74)=9:46
Jen S. 115# 14:20 (-106)=12:34
Kristen S. 75# 8:36 (-74)=7:27


  1. Happy Happy B-day Dar! So proud of how far you have come and can't wait to be there when you reach everyone of your goals! Love ya!

  2. Happy Bday Darlene!! :)

  3. Happy Birthday Darlene! Hope you have a great day!

  4. Happy Birthday Darlene, are you finally legal drinking age?

  5. Happy Birthday Darlene! Enjoy your special day!

  6. Dear Crossfit KoP Family,
    Last week made 4m since my knee surgery. I self graduated myself to running, jumping and squating. However today felt like a milestone. I went to the surgeon who gave me the official, all clear. Sitting in his office, where i had sat crying not that long ago it hit me...the 4months had seemed like an eternity where over. Not only were they over but I don't feel like I have lost signifigant ground, in fact in many ways i feel stronger in mind and body. Thanks so much for ALL of your support and encouragement. From all KOPers, the coaches, aimee and especially Jason for his creativity and energy in our 1:1 Pirate (aka one legged) wods. And Amen to the universal scalability of the crossfit workout! TO all those out there who suffer injuries and who will suffer injuries...it may feel like the end of the world but it isn't. Acceptance of where you are and what you have to work with, rather than just giving up, opens up the world of possibilities!!

    THANK YOU!!!

    and Happy Birthday Darlene!!!

  7. I'm so happy for you Steph!! Your an inspiration to me especially while I'm going through problems with my ankle.
    Keep up the great work!! I might have to try some of your one legged workouts:))

  8. Happy birthday Darlene! Always great to see your smiling face in the gym!
