
Wish the CF King of Prussia Affiliate Team good luck as they head to LA to compete in the CrossFit Games at the Home Depot Center.

W.O.D. 7.14.10


Team Deadlift AMRAP in 5 minutes
275# Ladies/425# Men
*two athletes will lift at on time, weight can be scaled based on level ability and teammate.

Info on the CrossFit Games:
Want to see what our team is doing throughout the weekend? For the first time ever CFHQ is bringing the entire weekend live to you in HD broadcast on live.crossfit.com. The live preview show will begin at 6pm PDT on Thursday July 15th. There will be 30 hours of live HD coverage and analysis. Tune in throughout the weekend to keep up with the athletes, teams, coaches and special guests.

"Big Isn't Strong, Strong is Strong" by Chris Plentus


"Holding anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

Flounder: 300
Maureen: 175
Dianne: 145
Tim H: 215
Chris B: 325
Bevin: 175
Miranda: 210 form
P: 415
Vincent: 345
Jaime: 143
Joe: ?
Charlie: 355
Steph V: 285
Ellie: 215
SAZ: 275
Deb: 175
Kristin: 85
Jason B: 225 form
Rob Ph: 315
Kevin: 395
JZ: 310
Lindsey: 153
Mike F: 385
Brian R: 235

Flounder/Dianne: 38 @ 185
Tim H/Chris B: 30 @ 315
Bevin/Maureen: 33 @ 225
Miranda/P: 34 @ 335
Jaime/Vincent: 33 @ 225
Joe/Charlie: 45 @ 425
Steph V/SAZ: 8 @ 425
Deb/Ellie: 28 @ 275
Kristin: 31 @ 65
Rob Ph/Kevin: 29 @ 425
JZ/Lindsey: 19 @ 275
Mike F/Brian R: 16 @ 425


  1. Good luck to our KOP Affiliate Team at the CF Games! Although, I do not think you guys need luck...it is your strength, team work, and passion that make you all great athletes and a super, strong team! Go team! Have a fun time. I wish I could be there to cheer you all on. :)

  2. Good luck out in LA!! We are all so proud that you will be representing KOP at the Games! I will be keeping tabs over the weekend through the website and hopefully some occasional facebook updates! Have fun.

  3. Thanks to EVERYONE for the encouragement and support over these last few months. The whole team is SO proud to be able to represent all of you when we compete under the CFKoP name.

    I'll try to keep facebook updated with when our events are and how we're doing. I think Laura was going to put together an email list as well so talk to her if you want to be included. If we're not already friends on facebook, hit me up!

    Today is my last day up in NY, and I can't wait to be back in KOP after the Games. I'm looking forward to leading some 5k runs once or twice a week, getting back to coaching, and WODing with all of you!

  4. One other thing - A friend of mine is moving to the area in August. He's looking for suggestions of good apt complexes in Conshy/Bryn Mawr/KOP/Wayne. If you have any suggestions can you let me know? You can post here or just send me an email at nicole.sieller@gmail.com


  5. Kerr~ are you going tonight?
    If so, will you be my partner so you can watch my back? I want to really focus on form tonight as opposed to getting a PR. I have noticed my thoracic region tends to round when i go heavy, i might just need a hand there to remind me to stay flat. If not, maybe someone else will help me?

  6. I'm so excited, thanks to EVERYONE for all of the support and well wishes. I'm collecting a list of emails where Donkey will be sending updates on Crossfit KoP times and WODS, if you'd like to be added to that list email me at laurapappas07@gmail.com asap and I'll add you to the email update list. Definately check out our facebooks and we'll try to post to the blog as well!

  7. Good Luck team KOP!!!!! Make us proud!!! You'll be awesome. I can't wait to hear all about it! GO TEAM!!!!

  8. Good luck and have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  9. Go get 'em KOPers!! I know you are going to be amazing. Sorry I can't be there to cheer you on, but don't worry I will be yelling really loud at the computer.

    We will be cheering in Philly.

    Have fun! Enjoy every moment!

  10. All the best to team CFKoP!! Good Luck to a group of stellar athletes! ~Kick some serious ass...and have fun!~Grans
