
We get by with a little help from our Friends!
What helps you get though a WOD, a friend? significant other? Music-your favorite song? A coach screaming in your face? The thought of some else beating you? Certain words you have heard before? Let us know?

W.O.D. 7.16.10

Back Squat


Death by Ten Meters
Run 10 meters the first minute. 20 the second, 30 the third, etc. If you cannot complete the required distance for that round, then rest a full minute and start working the ladder back down until you reach 20 minutes total.

New ways to learn the muscle up

"Heroes and cowards feel exactly the same fear. Heroes just react to it differently."
- Cus D'Amato, boxing trainer


  1. Definitely some "motivational" talking to from a coach. That, coupled with some kind words from a friend, help me squeeze out that last ounce of intensity left in my heart.

  2. I love that death by meters workout!

  3. To me, CrossFit has been a lot of beating myself at my own game. Now that I have been at the box for 8 months, I get more motivated when I do a WOD that I have done before and I see the progress that I have made. That just motivates me more. I also love when the coaches are yelling at us and my fellow athletes cheer me on to help me finish it out. Every push helps! And of course, a lttle boom, boom, pow never hurts anyone!!

  4. Definitely the coaches! And, encouragement from fellow cross-fitters. It's amazing what camaraderie and support can do to help you achieve your personal goals!

  5. Coach P. Lentus mid Death by 10 meters: "Well, you could do 70 thrusters, 50 chest to bars and then carry someone up and back if you guys want instead." ----'nuff said.

  6. Results

    Peterson 165 3RM, 16rounds
    Jay E 335, 11
    Lindsey 95, 13
    Kristin 95, 13
    Ditty 140, 13
    Deb 140, 15
    Joe A 365, 13
    Jason 225, 16
    Seth 175, 15
    Charlie Y 275, 15
    Joe M 185, 13
    Olan 235, 15
    Tim H 205, 11
    Mel 125x2, 13
    Dorothy 135, 14
    Brian R 205x2, 16
    Rob Ph. 205, 12
    Kevin Y. 215, 13
    JZ 215, 16
    Jaime 90, 12
    Maura 125, 15
    Sam B 155, 18
    Bevin 110, 12
    Kathleen 105, 14
    Tim G. 165, 14
    Brittany 25, 10
    Darlene 75, row
    Brian 155, row
    Melinda K. 95, 14
    Kerry 165, 15
    Rob P. 215, 16
    Chris B. 215, 15
    Christine E. 50, 11
    Justin W. 95, 15

    nice work overall today, you guys worked hard!

    Jaime, I was just trying to get you to empathize with the team. haha

  7. I just need Lady Gaga. There, I said it. P-p-p-oker face.
